I am looking to adjust the secondary on my Attak for proper belt depth. Does anybody have dimensions for the "spacers" so I don't have to spend $7.50 per spacer. Are these things anything more than just washers?
Also, anybody ever notice the gap between the exhaust cone and "side trim piece" when the exhaust is hot. It seems as if the muffler tailpipes expand a good amount. Always goes back to a nice fit when cooled down. It is amazing how much this exhaust system expands when hot. No wonder pipes and welds crack.
Also, anybody ever notice the gap between the exhaust cone and "side trim piece" when the exhaust is hot. It seems as if the muffler tailpipes expand a good amount. Always goes back to a nice fit when cooled down. It is amazing how much this exhaust system expands when hot. No wonder pipes and welds crack.
TY 4 Stroke Junkie
tlrguy said:I am looking to adjust the secondary on my Attak for proper belt depth
For what purpose? To get rid of a squealing noice?
TY 4 Stroke Guru
I was wondering about the spacers also. I think they are available in two sizes and are very expensive for nothing but a washer.. anyone know if a regular washer would work or do they need to be machined exact???
They are nothing but a machined washer. What you are paying for is the prescision. You probably should use the right ones. I shimmed my secondary for belt height, and it did not make a difference. The only thing it does now is makes a sqweeeling noise at idle. but it's within spec. SO I don't know what your reason for shimming is, but it may not be worth it to buy the shims. maybe you need a new belt?
TY 4 Stroke God
TY 4 Stroke God
washer for secondary are .5mm -90201-061h1-00 and 1mm 90201-06431-00
TY 4 Stroke Guru
Im gunna pick up some .5mm washers this week when Im at the stealer.. IMO it seams to help with take off if the belt is tigher. I always kept my poos adjusted good but it was a 2 minute procedure on them.. much easier.. Always seamed to make it respond quicker, I noticed it more when I had sleds that had less HP...