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Viper ECU


TY 4 Stroke God
Mar 1, 2009
Reaction score
Woodbridge, ON
2020 Sidewinder Ltx GT
Does anybody know why the ECU part numbers are different from year 14-18 and 21’s.
Just a guess but I would think there would be different part numbers between models as gearing would be different for say a mountain sled versus a trail so speedo would have to be accomodated in a different version of the flash.
I believe they got rid of the AFR sensor on the muffler in 21’ but not 100% sure. Look at the fiche. That may be it.
I believe they got rid of the AFR sensor on the muffler in 21’ but not 100% sure. Look at the fiche. That may be it.
I think they got rid of that after '16. My '18 doesn't have it.
Ok thanks..
Any one hear that the 19’s or 20’s have the Yamaha ecu?
The grips and thumb warmers are multiple positions now so maybe ecu has to run that?
That is actually one of the "unheralded" improvements made on the Pro Cross. With the Hi/Lo/Off switches, I am always switching from one setting to the other, trying to find a happy medium. The multi-position switches do make it easier to find a sweet spot. We all complain about the issues with the Pro Cross, but we forget how many changes and improvements have been made since the first Viper in 2014. I know that there are still some issues, but overall, there is a big difference between the 2014 and the 2022 sleds.
