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Volcano eruptions = more SNOW???

Global warming is fiction. It is widely disputed, except by major media. The fact is that temperature trends go up and go down. In fact recently, there was a study that cleaner air was worse than "dirty" air since temperatures would climb faster, regardless of the ozone layer. It's bullshit.

I believe the specific heat of water is a constant, differences in impurities notwithstanding. Freezing hot water faster than cold is a myth.
Reference global warming. The national weather service has a hard time predicting weather a week a head of time. Everybody knows that we go in cycles of warm and cold. Hopefully we will take a turn back into the cold cycle. It wouldnt bother me any to have snow 8 months out of the year. :Rockon:

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I have heard we are going back to the cold.. A wet summer of 2004 made for a low snow winter.. A Hot summer like we are having now will make for a cold and snowy winter. Its basicaly one xtreme to the other in the two most opposite seasons. Can the damn snow just come all ready. :D
its not only the temperture that is global warming (despite the name)
the fact we are depleting our ozone because of our CO2 (which is proven time and time again) and all the health problems rising from it is enough prof for me to beleave in global warming
our planet has never experience anything like what has happened to it since the industrial revolution and has never warm so quickly...but will go back to colder temps again but the skin cancer and other sh*t will still be on the G-O
Apex 21,
Somewhat reliable snow on GROOMED trails is 4hrs min. Potter county, PA or Marathon-Whitney Point,NY. The western triangle of MD, Garrett County has pretty good snow, (elev ~3000) and it is only 3 hrs away but has no groomed trails, just Deep Creek Lake and the regular tracks people make. The past few years we have mostly gone to Tug Hill area and ridden around our neighborhoods and farms when we get any snow at home. I ride 100-200 miles at home depending on the year and 400-600 per trip to real riding areas. Snowmobiling is expensive for that little use, but it's pretty much my only remaining vice so I get pretty good lattitude from the boss. Plus my 4 yr old daughter LOVES to ride in front of me. That =s good family time in my wifes eyes and I'm not complaining.

Whatever any of us hears, they're all just guessing anyway. Although the strong hurricane season prediction seemed accurate earlier in the season.

Global warming or not lets hope for more snowy years than not!
If global warming is a fact, and I am a huge skeptic, it is not caused by humans. No more than 5% of the so called ozone destroying emissions are caused by humans. 95% or more are naturally occurring. Therefore if we all stopped using our cars and air conditioners we would still have the problem, if we have it at all.

And that thing about hot water freezing faster than cold is not correct. What LB said is exactly right. If you did the experiment it would also depend on the shape of the container holding the water. Cool water sinks until just before the freezing point. Just before it freezes it becomes lighter and floats to the top just as it freezes. That's why it takes so long for deep lakes to freeze. The whole body of water has to cool to just above freezing before the lake freezes over. If that wasn't the case lakes would freeze from the bottom up, and would never thaw completely in our short summers. Water is the only (or one of the very few) substances that actually get lighter as it goes from liquid to solid form. Without this phenomenon life would not be possible.
Weather operates in a pattern. Think of it as a sine wave within a sine wave within a sine wave, etc. (see pic) There are ups and downs, warm summers, cold winters, cold summers, warm winters, or any combination. Eventually the laws of averages takes over.

Think of the cycle of summer-fall-winter-spring (sine wave)
Combine that with another sine wave for temps (warm, cold)
It's not as predictable, because you never know where you are in the cycle, along with all the other factors involved.

Think back to the late 90's when there was a lot of snow. Everything lined at the right time: low temps, precip., winter. The last winter it didn't line up: moderate temps, no precip., winter. This summer we're getting high temps, no precip. But since it's been so warm, and relatively dry, sooner or later we will have colder temps and more precipitation. Will they both happen at the same time? Your guess is as good as mine, but I hope so.

Anyone remember when we had all the snow in the past, the snowpack wouldn't all melt in the summer? I seem to remember talks of ice age conditions when that was happening.

Have I confused anyone yet? If you get really into it, think about gas prices. What happened in the 70's? Think about it some more, even some car names are the same (gto, charger). :shock:


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As for global warming,,, Could it be we are still comming out of the last ice age????
I do belive it is so. As for people claiming that global warming is melting the polar icecap, if you were to look back in Geologic time the polar icecaps have only been there a small spec of time.
Only untill recently have we(science) had the ability to study the whole in the ozone layer. Knowbody can say how long it has been there???
Sumer is fun, the garden, diving, but SNOWMOBILING is so much more fun. Beside you need ice to go on a ice dive :D
Just wondering...if hot water freezes at the same speed as cold why do they use hot water in zamboni's? Unless it's just done to smooth out the ice surface?
the earth has beeen around for MILLIONS of years.people have been recording weather for about 100 years,tracking the ozone layer since the sixties(and the hole hasnt gotton any larger since they found it)and global warming 20-25 years.get back to me in about a hundred thousand years and let me know the trend. :moon:
