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welding the block for higher hp reliability.


Nov 16, 2011
Cochrane Ontario Canada
I heard some guys weld the block. What part of the block do they weld? It would be great if there was a way to support the cylinder up top where they can become oval. Is this what they do?

This is what I want to do to my motor. I sold my stocker and am building up my modified motor. The reason I took it out was only because one cylinder went .010 out of round. Its at CV tech being replated, but I dont want the same thing to happen again.
It doesn't matter what mods you do if you detonate like you did before you will oval the cylinders or lift the head or much worse.

Unless you plan on making 500 hp plus there is no need to do any welding on the block. At which point you should be sleeving.

Close decking is a good idea after the 450 hp point.

The only reason they are doing these mods is that the cyl. pressure is so high from big power that it will oval the cylinders.

It is highly unlikeley a performance shop is going to tell you exactly where and how to weld a block. You could find one that has been done however but you will need to re-machine the a few things to get them true again as you are starting to play with the metallurgy of the block.

Every shop has a different theory on this subject and I have given my opinion. If call 5 different shops be prepared to get 5 different answers. I do gaurantee one thing though, there will be shop or two that will tell you exactly what you want to hear to take your money (its like that in any business).

Good Luck!
Thanks, I do get that alot. (told what I want to hear from those guys.) Thanks, now that I think more and more about decking the block, its not for the right resion. Like you siad its the detonation Im afraid of happening again.
This is just my opinion but Instead of spending all your money to make the block stronger, maybe you should find out the reason for the detonation(to low octane, to lean,too high charge temp,TO HIGH BOOST,etc) a happy turbo engine is a well tuned engine.
