Well guys after 19 yrs I've jumped ship.

I definitely hear you about the weight. I have a 2011 Apex XTX. Yeah they are a nice looking sled, great power, 4 stroke reliability. BUT heavy like a locomotive, handles like a locomotive, good if in a straight line but rides like a locomotive too. When the trail gets a little rough I always feel like Im going to go flying over the handle bars. Another thing I really dislike about it is I am used to working on the older 2 strokes, very simple. This sled is like working on a Ferrari, you have to rip half the sled apart to do an oil change or change a starter or battery. Often wonder if it was a mistake and if I would have be better off with a 2 stroke.
Look under the cowling on any new 2 stroke and tell me it’s any better! Unless your running old sleds the days of easy access on any of them is long gone.
Look under the cowling on any new 2 stroke and tell me it’s any better! Unless your running old sleds the days of easy access on any of them is long gone.
Ya I work on the wife's Doo 600. Its NOTHING like the old days.
Just changing spark plugs is a major disassembly.
You can pull the top end with the y pipe on it out of a matrix
They are simple to get to everything
I prefer the vr1 over xcr after owning both. I don’t like the tipped rails as good as straight rails on 137.
Well guys after alot of red tape she's now officially in my possession!


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Well guys after alot of red tape she's now officially in my possession!
Nice sled. Hopefully you'll get a chance to use it yet this season, otherwise you're good to go for next season. :sled1:
Nice sled. Hopefully you'll get a chance to use it yet this season, otherwise you're good to go for next season. :sled1:
Unfortunately this season isn't going to happen.
But I'll be more than ready for next. Count on that!
