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What is better Push Turbo of MC-X 180


Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
Manitoba Canada
I am looking to pull the trigger on a turbo kit for my 2011 Nytro XTX. I am from Manitoba and would primarily be riding here so I would need a lower sea level set up. What is everyones thoughts on these systems and what other stuff would I need with either one. IE. Clutch kit, programmer, gauges ect.
I have two seasons on a mcx 180 here in manitoba and i love it. There is no programming with the mcx, its as close to a turn key as you can get. Install was fairly simple as long as you have some wrenching knowledge and the quality of mcx is unmatched. I dont think you would regret it. Feel free to pm me if you have any questions.
X 2 on MCX. Installed the kit myself and it has been nothing else then turn the key and go.

That said, get a decent boost gauge to keep track of your boost, the TCV valve that adjusts the pressure according to temp and altitude changes doesnt always work well. If it doesnt just install a manual boost controller.
I like my mcx 180. I also have an Ulmer clutch on my 12 xtx.
I have the bigger MCX 270 kit, but would echo the comments, MCX is a quality product.
