What track fits?


Mar 24, 2013
Reaction score
Northern Minnesota
Over the summer I will be keeping an eye out for a track for my VL. What is the pitch that I need? What's the max lug height I can run? Can you get extrovert drivers for them? I would really like to go to 16" wide but that only leaves a stock ripsaw from yamaha off the MP for around $900.00 or a 2" challenger like what my buddy put on his summit. I think 2" might be much or what I'm doing but if the price was right I might consider it if it will even fit or has the same pitch.If I was to stay with 15" wide any good suggestions in that 1.25"to 1.5" lug.

I'm not sure if the pitch is the same but what about a ski-doo 146"x16" track? I was looking at my rear wheel adjustment and to me it looks like you could stretch another 1" out of it with some more adjustment for when you need it. Or maybe a combo of bigger rear wheels and extrovert drivers? I was really surprised on how small of a selection of tracks I found when it came to 144" x16" like I said I only found two and I even called tracks u.s.a and they only carried one (2" challenger) and the other you have to get from yamaha.
I run a 144x16x2.25 track. It is from an -09 ski-doo, but I think the 2" Challenger will be great if you are looking for higher lugs.
Mine runs free from everything even with the 2.25-lugs, and the grip, well lets just say its fantastic compared to the original Ripsaw...
I think it would work great with a 146" track too, at least if change to larger rearaxlewheels.

You should look for tracks that goes with 2.52-drivers. You can go for other tracks too, but then you will HAVE to change drivers too.
I may do that even though my track is 2.52 because there are tendencies for the track slipping on the drivers.

I will also most likely gear down to 17/45.

Good luck!
It depends on how much traction you want but I found the 1.5" Crossover to be a decent upgrade. But I don't know if it is still made,
There was a thread, originally started by asti, that went through a few options, including those mentioned here:

The 146" track sounds like a viable option as long as it can be adjusted properly. My original Ripsaw is starting to show its age so I'm looking for something with taller lugs to replace it.
