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What's the benefits of an aftermarket tunnel extension?


Lifetime Member
Feb 21, 2006
North Shore of Superior
Just wondering what the major benefits are in buying a aftermarket tunnel extension. I know weight and the looks of an aftermarket extension are far better than the stock one. I'm trying to justify to the wife the need to change my stock one. Any ideas would be great.


Good luck if you are trying to justify it to the wife! Not much reason other than a couple pounds and looks. Since when do us guys have to justify anything. Just do it! If you have to get "permission" from the wife, than she needs to go back through the "Wife Training 101" years.

Ya that's what I told her. Where do I find a copy of the "wife training 101" :jump: . I could install one and she probably wouldn't even notice. Anyone know of a Canadian distributor the duty on items shipped from the states is a little steep.
Get out the sledge hammer - "Honey guess what? I rolled it over a rock and need a new extension."


Park it in the garage so the wife drives into it.

Now if anyone has some tricks for getting a whole new sled, I'm all ears.
I got my MPI tunnel ext. today - looks good!

Isn`t that good enough for her when she buys herself a new pair of shoes? he-he
I'm jealous of the new MPI tunnel! I need to get that done too. My problem is.....I'm not sure what length to go with because I just went 162" track, but with the pull-back, I don't think I would need a 162 tunnel ext. I just know when I am parked next to my buddies new M7, his 162" is still a few inches longer than mine! I'm kinda thinking 156 or 159?

I`m keeping 151 inch track - so I got 151 tunnel ext. I use the sled as a crossoversled. Just have to finish some work on the house before starting mod. one the sled. Putting in the MPI tunnel and 06 Vector mountain seat. Can`t wait for until it starts snowing
just wondering if any of you long trackers have an old extension for sale? I am going from 121 to a 136. 03rx-1 Thanks in advance ! Honk

Too bad you are so far away Honk. I have a complete tunnel laying behind the shed. I have the MPI 159" on my sled. Looks way better.

I'm glad someone else thinks so too! I have always just stumbled around aimlessly trying to find things on there. I actually called them a couple days ago and Al said that he would just pull one from one of their long-track kits. They are $180. Check out www.hartmaninc.com too. He has really nice ones also!

$180 US that's about $205 CAN that's a slice of all right. According to the site no duty tax. I like the look, it's in the running now I've just got to find that rock to roll it over on. The one place I found in Canada speciality sleds in Aberta are charging $300 CAN.
