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will how you brake in a new 4-stroke effect top speed


Mar 23, 2004
Dewitt mi
I went back to my thread "top speed of RX-1" Ther was a lot of post on that subject ""THANK YOU"" Suisse Sledder, You made it a lot easier for me to go back on some older post. Going by the speedo the WARRIOR and RX-1 will top out from 110-140 mph. Thats to big of a difference,,One or two guys said they hit 135-140 in perfect conditions, and others said no matter what they did they couldn't top 113-116 by the speedo. It didn't seem to make much difference how it was clutchd or if it had the ECP kit. One thing that did stand out was the ECP didn't help the top end at all. But some did say it got ther faster with the kit. So I got to thinking If how you brake in the sled could make some defference..All you guys that was toping out over 125 mph or more by the speedo how did you brake in your sleds??? I know it could still just be the condition's. BUT if the brake in could help how my new sled runs I would like to know...

Break her in hard. No real long extended full throttle shots but do get on it. You don't want to get the new parts too hot. I also didn't cruise at the same rpm's very long. Vary the throttle with many full throttle shots and then let her back down with her engine braking. The hardest thing to do is to not start her up 5 times a night for your buddies to hear that sweet music before she's broken in, fight that temptation :4STroke:
I have a stock blue rx-1 mtn with 14500 kms and i broke it in the way mototune says and i see 185kph on top end.
break in

did mine by the book and untill i had some carb problems i would run 135-140+ on the dream meter just about any time ;)!
I broke mine in the Motoman way and the fastest I have seen on the speedo was 120 MPH, I have a Warrior.
Black John did you see these top speeds with stock clutching or with some changes? 8)
I really don't understand people comparing what they see on a speedo. One speedo to the next will not read the same numbers at the same speed. GPS, or Radar MAYBE, but even then if it is not on the same day within 5 minutes of each other in the same condtions comparisons are almost impossible.

bob i seen those speeds before clutching on a long run thats when i started to do clutching and was able to pull those speeds in a mutch shorter distant. when you have some potental it will show up some were the its up to the operator to do the clutching it put it were you can use it to your best use . ie top speed , drag raceing , ovel raceing, cruseing, etc,etc there is no all porpose clutch set up.one has to set up for there own riding condtions . this year for most of the year i ran a comet four pro this is an exelant clutch and veay esay to set up.well thats all for now i am of to take the carbs apart to see what is going on and why they dont seem work as they are intended to
don't forget the stock Warrior has different gears than the rx-1

yes the warrior has a little differnt gearing 23-38 as the rx 1 is 24-38 only one tooth this is worth about 3-4 mph if a given sled will pull to the top of its gearing and this is only on paper
Condidtions dictate RX-1 top speed more then anything. Because it's a little heavy, any lose snow hurts it big time. The RX loves glare ice and hard packed roads. It can be a 20 to 30 mph diffence running the same distances on those conditions comparied to loose snow. when my 121 RX-1 was stock I hit 137 on the speedo on a iced road. I changed to 24/40 gears and would run 130 all day on the speedo. In loose snow it only pulls 112.
