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Windshield Pouch


TY 4 Stroke Master
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Niagara Falls, NY
Could someone please post some pictures of a windhield pouch installed? I am trying to decide whether or not to order one and my dealer needs payment up front before they order it. I am trying to estimate how far up the windshield it extends from the dash. :roll:

Reason :?: I bought a RAM mount for my GPS that will allow me to mount a video camera as well and I don't want the bag to obstruct my view. :wink:

Thanks guys. RXWONDER
windshield bag

EDIT: if you have trouble seeing the bag and dash, try adjusting your monitor brightness.
Thanks Monker...it's bigger than I expected but it looks real good! Is it removeable or is it pretty much staying there. Does it attach somehwere on the windshield?
It attaches with velcro. There's one strip on each corner that attach to the windshield and one at the in the back of the bag. It is easy to take off if I want to.

I installed mine with all the velcro on the pod, none on the windshield.
