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Wiring help...

How much is the power supply I don't see the price maybe I'm blind idk??
The best thing would probably to use a spiral bit whatever size you need (step up to it) but would likely be $$$. So I guess a hole saw. I don't know how well a step bit would work. Normally those are for metal. I would try it in some other thin plastic thing first. (kids toy or something). If using a hole saw I would use a carbide/diamond grit one and just let it sand it's way through. If the teeth on a regular one ketch it would break the plastic for sure.
Yeah, I have both, but have never used them on plastic like that. Now that I think of it, I have an old Apex Exhaust guard. I'll try it on that first!

Thanks man! I appreciate it!

The best thing would probably to use a spiral bit whatever size you need (step up to it) but would likely be $$$. So I guess a hole saw. I don't know how well a step bit would work. Normally those are for metal. I would try it in some other thin plastic thing first. (kids toy or something). If using a hole saw I would use a carbide/diamond grit one and just let it sand it's way through. If the teeth on a regular one ketch it would break the plastic for sure.
