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Wiring question


Jan 9, 2004
Baldwinsville, NY
I'm in the process of replacing the wiring harness, but have a leftover connector, that I'm not sure where it connects. I'm talking about all the connectors that connect to all the handlebar controls. This one is a 3 wire triangular white female connector with yellow, yellow with blue stripe and black wires. The only similar connector anywhere nearby is a black male triangular that comes out right next to the bullet connectors for the TORS on the right side next to the carb rack. I just can't recall where everything went when I was pulling the fried wiring harness out, and I don't remember having a white female with black male connector.

I figured it out. I looked at the wiring diagram and determined that the connector is for the grip heat controller. I then just pulled the wires back up and found that that connector had gotten tucked behind the steering post as I was feeding them down into the engine compartment.
