Yep, it's true

The bolts are fine, the torque spec is not. Lessen the torque and bolts will be fine. I have gone 96 inch pds since my first winder and ive had 3 sleds since that one with a grand total of 16,000+ miles. Zero leaks or issues on any of the sleds and always used the original bolts. Any yes make sure bolts and holes are clean. Any lubrication on the bolts will reduce friction and cause you to overtorque the bolts.
Are you guys putting blue loctite on the cover bolts?
Me either, and I've never discovered any loose. Must have had dozens of cases apart, never any loose screws.

You need this kit or one like it to fix your chain case. Use a punch to gently make a centered mark on the broken bolt, then hold the correct size guide with a vice grip and drilling with a side drill put a hole in the broken bolt. Then insert the correct extractor, tapping it in gently with a hammer. The collar fits over the guide and you back it out with a wrench. Should come right out.
Me either, and I've never discovered any loose. Must have had dozens of cases apart, never any loose screws.

Me too. I don't use loctite on them and don't over tighten them either.

When I first saw the Torx on the case I thought there are crap and should be replaced with Allen Head screws, but after using them for years its a non issue using the factory Torx screws.
