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  • hello grizz finally bought a nytro 2012 xtx and would like to buy a gusset kit from you . let me know how to go about paying you thanks .
    a gusset kit for a 2012 is $70 shipped. You can order by sending payment to my PayPal account: grizztracks@roadrunner.com

    got the gusset kit the other day in the mail and got it installed thanks
    Hello there. My xtx is finally in the garage and would like to purchase one of your gusset kits if they are still available. I understand your PayPal account is grizztracks@roadrunner.com and I will forward $70 for the kit? Thank you and we are seeing our first flakes in the air over here today! Hopefully a season full of them this year.
    Done. Thanks again and enjoy warm weather.
    Hello again. Just checking to see if you had a chance to send out the gusset kit. You should have been credited on the 22. Let me know if there are any issues. Thanks.
    I got swamped with orders while on vacation and got behind on shipping kits out. I sent several kits out Monday and have more going out tomorrow which includes yours

    USPS tracking# 9405909699938895530563
    Hello can I get the directions to do the gussets .. emailed to me all the threads are fragmented,I have 2 Nytro XTX both in need of your kit

    Joe 586 943 1433
    Gusset kits are $70 shipped. If you order two kits they would be $65 each. You can order by sending payment to my PayPal account: grizztracks@roadrunner.com

    Grizztracks, I have a 2008 nytro mtx and I know for sure that the subframe is bent and the shock is just barely rubbing the a-arm. I see that the gusset kits for the 08 are $95 is that correct? Do I need to write a note when using paypal to order the kit?
    Yeah I tired that But I ended up bending my pry bar and the arm hardly moved at all. Thats when I tired using the straps to straighten it but it was still really hard to move into the correct place.
    Well I think I got it. I had to break out the 2 ton come along and i put a ton of pressure on the sucker but I got it pretty darn close to straight. Now i just need to work on taking everything apart.
    I got your gussets welded in and they look and fit prefect. Glad to know that my subframe wont bend now. One less thing I have to worry about when riding. Thanks again!
    I was looking and did you just paint your subframe or powder coat it?
    Just paint. The frames are painted from the factory and you can't see most of it so I never worried about powder coating.
    Purchased what looks like a late 2007 early 2008 nytro. I either bent the sub frame or it was when I purchased it. How do I get my hands on one of your gusset plates to strengthen this baby up?
    Make sure you have a 2008 subframe. There is always a possibility the previous owner installed a newer frame. The 2008 frame requires an extra gusset so the kit costs more.

    2008 gusset kit is $95 shipped in the US and 2009 or newer gusset kits are $70 shipped. You can order by sending payment to my PayPal account: grizztracks@roadrunner.com

    money order also accepted.
    Thank you for the reply!

    So I tried with a new battery, same thing. Held screwdriver across relay (not sure if that's sufficient) and same thing.

    Should the dash come on when I turn the key on? Not sure where chassis ground is (I'm terrible at this stuff, I do roofing!)

    Where is the starter, and how hard to replace it?

    Thanks again for taking the time to reply, I appreciate it!
    Hello Grizz,

    I have an 05 Rage. When I turn the key it just clicks. Changed starter relay, same thing. No dash lights, won't start. Battery's charged. Please help? You seem to be the expert on these problems, so I thought I'd ask.
    I'm fairly certain you have a bad starter. If you pull it you'll find that a magnet came loose and wedged itself so the starter won't rotate. It's a common problem.
    Gotcha, is it hard to remove? I couldn't find any info on it. Can it be repaired or do you just replace it?

    It was doing this clicking, then randomly one day it did turn over, then went back to the click.

    Thanks again for the responses!
    the starter will need replaced and it's tough to get at. If you unbolt the front motor mounts usually you can slide out out through the bottom
    Hi Grizz. Thanks for all of your helpful posts and pics! I am going to install HIDs in my Viper (generic kit like DDM). I ordered the patch cable like you did from Sledstart. My question is, you referred to a splice. I assumed that I could get rid of the battery connection harness and just plug n play the patch cable to my HID kit. Am I missing something?
    Yes, the patch cables will allow you to eliminate the need to run wires to the battery. The patch cables plug into the 3 prong OEM headlight plugs. They also have a 2 wire connector that plugs into the HID bulbs. These wires control the high/low beam position of the HID bulb. You'll need to splice the patch cable to the HID bulb wires if the connectors don't mate
    Grizz did you have any issues with the oil lite bushings in the mountain tech a arm kit ? I can't get the cross shafts to slide in now that I pressed them in .I thought the would just slide in , like they did when I I put them in
    THE factory a arms . Thanks for your time.
    I've had that problem with the oilite bushings even in the OEM arms. Did you make sure the Mountaintech arms were free of burrs and powdercoat. The welding process can also cause the tubing to deform. When I've had a problem getting the sleeves in they are normally close enough for me to force them in. They are tight but after a few runs they'll loosen up.
    Yes they were nice and clean. I did get the cross shafts in.,with a rubber mallet and some grease, I just don't like the idea of them being so tight, Peter said that they will loosen up after a few miles . I know u put this kit on your sled is there anything you can tell me to look out 4 . As far as adjustment, I have the xtx ,. Thanks
    Do you have any gusset kits available for a nytro subframe? I twisted my frame pretty bad last winter when I hit a large rock...My plan is to buy a new subframe and reinforce it with one of your kits. I have seen in the past that you also have had repaired subframes for sale, if you a have a repaired one with the gusset kit installed that would be even better.
    Tom Tulkki
    I'm a Newbie to the forum. I have a 2009 Nytro. During my 4th ride last winter I noticed that the right shock was getting closer to the back of the upper A arm. I have removed the subframe. None of the holes are egged out but when you set it on a flat surfaceiIt rocks slightly which tells me it is twisted. I am ordering a new subframe from and would like to know how to go about buying a gusset kit from you?

    For a Nytro,

    I don't know witch one : Mountaintech 43''+ 2'' or Barcode 42'' + 5 ''?
    And why ?

    Your a arm kit are available ? or already sold?

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