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  • Im doing a stator on an 06 Vector and following your directions. I assumed I would remove front and rear motor mounts but you only mention the front. Is the rear not need to come out? Also I dont see a way to get the one cover bolt off, does that get uncovered when the engine is lifted? Thanks Grizz
    It's usually easier to remove the rear bolt. Some unbolt the head pipe also but I don't. If I remember right the front mounts have to be removed from the block and the steering shaft needs to be unbolted and moved enough to pull the cover out. Be careful of the small coolant hose on top of the water pump. It can be easily cut on the frame rail when lifting the engine.
    Get grizz are u still making the gusset kits for the Nytro. I've got an 08 rtx that the subframe is bent. Was gonna pull the subframe out and order a gusset kit from you if you are still producing them. Thanks
    I still make the gussets. A 2008 kit is $95 shipped and you can order by sending payment to my PayPal account: grizztracks@roadrunner.com

    I also offer frame straightening and installation if you're interested. I'm located in Scio, NY 14880
    Hey was told to ask you this question.i have a 2010 venture gt tf 1000 triple just finished oil change started it turned it off dropped it off stand went to start it nothing just clicks no codes just clicked tested started relay turned key power going to started but nothing now I'm assuming it's the starter have you done one of these help
    If you have power on the starter wire when you trun the key then the relay is working. Make sure the battery is good and battery, relay and starter connections are tight with no corrosion. If you have a volt meter read the battery voltage before and during a start attempt. If the battery voltage drops to 9-10 volts that would indicate the starter is receiving voltage but most likely the starter is bad.
    I've seen a lot of bad starters lately. I'm sure the extreme cold has had something to do with it. I have Canadian friends from Niagara Falls area that I ride with several times a year up above Parry Sound. I'm suppose to be heading there Tuesday for a week of riding. I've had many Canadians bring there sleds to me for repairs so If you need some help on this you can bring it down. I'm south of Buffalo.
    Okay, I'm new to this. So here it goes.. I have just bought a 2007 vk professional with no spark. I have spark now and had it running but very rough. Makes offers and don always go. I have come to my conclusion that the machine is off her timing...
    Any help or info regarding this will certainly be apperciated.


    What is your location Ryan? It could be timing. Typically if the timing chain jumps a tooth or two the engine will have a difficult time idling but when the RPMs are increased seems to run OK. If it jumps time any more than that the pistons will hit the valves and engine damage will occur. If you want to check the engine timing the oil tank and valve cover needs to be removed so that you can see the timing marks.
    These carb'd sleds are also notorious for having problems if stored for an extended length of time. In that case a good cleaning of the carbs may be all it needs.
    I have a 2005 Vector and was wondering if you work on them. From your posts you seem to but I didn't want to be presumptuous. I'd like to have the timing checked and the starter has been making some noise. I have a big trip though Canada the end of January and likely won't ride before then so no hurry. Please let me know if you are interested.
    I started taking it apart tonight. The tensioner is the original so it should be updated. I believe you're going to also need at the vary least a new starter and starter relay. I'll have the starter out and the stator cover off to inspect the gears tomorrow so I'll know more then. Once I have a parts list along with the cost for them I send you my PayPal email so you can transfer enough to cover them.
    This Vector is amazingly clean and in good condition for a 2005.
    Thanks for the update. I try to take care of it. It needs to last me a good long while.
    I would like to purchase a grizz gusset kit from you. How do I go about this? I have 2009 nytro with a bent subframe. Thanks
    A kit for a 2009 is $72 shipped. You can order by sending payment to my PayPal account: grizztracks@roadrunner.com
    Done, thanks.
    I'm working on filling up my Nytro Mtx with Coolant. I got all the air out of the tunnel cooler. My question is how much coolant will my sled with the tunnel cooler take? I have a little more then a gallon in it now. Can I just run the sled with the rad cap off to get all the air out? And how do I know all the air is out? Thanks
    With the tunnel cooler it takes just a little over a gallon. Once I get that much in it I fill the reservoir just over half and then run it through a couple heat cycles. The air will work out and if needed the radiator will pull coolant from the reservoir. When running the heat cycles I do it with the cap on and after it cools i pull the cap to top of the radiator.
    Ok I messed around with it for awhile the last couple nights and I have just over a gallon in there so i think I'm good now. I followed what the service manual said to do and I had no air coming out of the bleeders. I will run it through a couple heat cycles tonight and just check it. Thanks for the input.
    What do you charge to straiten a subframe and weld in the gussets? Have a bent one i would like to have a spare incase i find any more rocks lol.
    I'm only doing frame straightening for locals. I like to have a complete sled to verify alignment before welding in the gussets. Also, shipping a frame is expensive, especially to Canada.
    Okay thanks anyway
    My nytro has a date of manufacturer of 08/08 im wondering if your gusset kit is for all years of nytro's ?
    Ill get a paypal account set up send you the money.
    Do you need my address so you know where to send the kit ?

    look at the subframe between the lower a-arms if there is a gusset with a circular hole then it's a 2009 or newer frame. If it doesn't have the gusset then it's a 2008. The 2008 frames require extra gussets to properly reinforce them so there is an additional cost for that kit ($120 shipped)
    I've got an 2009 nytro xtx and have notice that my front shocks are close to hitting my top a arm on both sides. So I'm thinking bent front subframe.

    A few questions
    How much is your gusset kit and can you ship to ontario?
    Do you have any frames that are already reinforced that i could by?

    I don't have any frames. Usually the frame can be straightened by using a pry bar between the upper and lower a-arm out near the spindle. Once the shocks are close to center or at least both are equally spaced in the upper a-arm you can weld the gusset kit in so it doesn't move back.

    A 2009 gusset kit shipped to Canada is $85 (USD). You can order by sending payment to my PayPal account: grizztracks@roadrunner.com
    Looking for centre shock for a 2008 nytro rtx. Also do you ship to Canada. Thanks.
    I have a newly rebuilt center shock for the RTX. Was asking 250 shipped in the US but will ship it to Canada for and additional $20
    Grizz, need a gusset kit for an 08 Nytro. Will paypal the $95 to you shortly.

    Gary Steinbach
    901 Metalcraft Drive
    Mayville, WI 53050
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