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Search results

  1. RXB-1


    zoomzoom Got to have faith brother This will not work with "conditions" I have given up sevaral items and have seen nothing I need yet, just clearing out stuff and paying it forward . Its not a trade concept Hope your snow is good RX
  2. RXB-1


    Hartman rail extentions sent to rlbock. Enjoy. :4STroke:
  3. RXB-1

    RXB-1s Turbo Page

    Yea there has been some learning carnage... I mean learning curve! Here are a few more, some of my exhaust mod, Its a White Broz R-4 with a rebuilt core, new packing and stainless steel core, went from 1.5 inch to just over 2 inch ID. Sounds great on first ride and all worked well. Quiet in...
  4. RXB-1


    viper7mi I will be home tomorrow and check it out
  5. RXB-1

    A few upgrades to start the season

    Sounds like you have something good to work with, just some cosmitic stuff. Some guys add 2-3 head gaskets to lower the compression and then up the boost. Im sure you have heard it before but its true " Boost is highly addictive" and will make you want more.
  6. RXB-1

    A few upgrades to start the season

    Sounds like the same as mine, I was told it is a sage 1. I dont know if it a 1 or a 2 but I turned up my waste gate and run 6lbs on low and 13 on high. run 92 non ethonal, have run 50/50 with 100LL and 92 but did not seem to make a difference. going on my third year with it. do a search on here...
  7. RXB-1

    A few upgrades to start the season

    Well I looked and dont see anything at all on it as far as marking. even unscrewed and looked under. Looks like a PIAA ? They are spendy but put out great light. I will add some closer pics. Sorry I could not be more help
  8. RXB-1

    A few upgrades to start the season

    Well most of it was done when I bought it. I added a clock / temp and moved my boost and Wide band gages then the windshield hit so I bent it up with the help of some heat. still looking for a better setup there. The light is just a small dude but puts out good light . I could look for brand...
  9. RXB-1

    A few upgrades to start the season

    Well I have been tring to work on my sled in the fall to avoid the early season rides where I lack the self control to stay on the road. I put new bushings in and painted all front a-arms and while it was out and apart I polished the steering knuckles, but after replacing a bent one I dont...
  10. RXB-1

    Pictures Of Your Prized RX1

    Its always changing but here a last year pic. Thankful for late ariving parts to keep me from Jonesn too bad. still week snow here anyway.
  11. RXB-1


    Headlight and scroud sent off to jpspeidel :yam:
  12. RXB-1


    O2 Gage and sensor sent off today to abj87 :yam:
  13. RXB-1

    RXB-1s Turbo Page

    The Carnage Post At least every time something breaks :o| I up-grade :flag:
  14. RXB-1

    RXB-1s Turbo Page

    Some pics of my custom drop brackets and learning curve. Got the mount too far forward and changed the travel angleof the rear shock... Tacos for dinner that night.
  15. RXB-1

    RXB-1s Turbo Page

    Getting too many mods on different pages so I will try to consloidate here. Latest is a rebuilt of all front end bushing. sand and polish steering knuckles and paint A-arms. Left Knuckle was bent so I am waiting for a replacement to show up. Also did my own version on the Parking break . Will...
  16. RXB-1


    I have some 2003 RX-1 Mountian parts: a head light and trim that goes around it, some wheels and other stuff Take a look and see if anything catches your eye. just pay shipping there is a O2 sensor and gage it is not the one that came in the box. that one is on the sled. this is a narrow...
  17. RXB-1

    Could it have been the exhaust donut all along?

    The poping on decel is a sure sign of an exhaust leek. Will you put the turbo back on??
  18. RXB-1

    Who has the lightest RX mnt? Make me keep my '03

    Read through the kachess post and some others. Do several, searchs the info out there is (mostly) good. The RX can still be a awesome machine
  19. RXB-1

    Anybody put Fox Floats on their 1st Gen 4-stroke?

    I put them on my 03 turbo last year also pulled the sway bar and I like it. would not go back :yam:
  20. RXB-1

    Boyesen Power X Wing

    most off road suppliers sell them , I think there are severial brands to choose from the listing below it was $189.00 and that is for a one lunger motorcycle. I think they are all too high as its not much material. Some people have made them for there bikes with sucess. it is really just what...
