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Search results

  1. 1

    power surge your new 05 yamaha with a cpr turbo

    Will the CPR turbo mod that's being advertised here void the 2005 factory Yamaha warrantee? yes? no?
  2. 1

    anyone run sabercat?

    Spent the day with and raced an 03 Viper, 04 F6 and an 04 Saber 7 EFI on a mixed trail-packed / loose snow lake with my 03 RX-1.... Both Cats handed me my #*$&@ time after time after time after time.... Viper was behind every time..... same day on an ice track ~1500 ft, F6 110 MPH, Saber7...
  3. 1

    Heelclicker and primary spring ?

    Ummmm, silly me :? replaced the HC spring with the stocker and two shims..... but I think it engages in the high 3000's (3600-3800rpm) without the shims. It's 4000-4100 with the shims. BTW, I'm using the stock secondary spring as well, not the silver one....
  4. 1

    Heelclicker and primary spring ?

    With stock spring, 2 shims, and stock secondary wrapped to 80 deg, I'm seeing the sled upshifting at 10200-10300. I havn't tested on the lake yet, but have railway bed tested. The shims are stock yamaha items. It pulls much harder, or seems to, with the sled upshifting at those RPMs, rather than...
  5. 1

    Heelclicker and primary spring ?

    Two schools of thought on clutching there Rob. The one you mention essentially allows the secondary to overshift at WOT, holding the engine at a lower RPM..... Kind of like putting a 4 spd car at WOT from 1st gear to 3rd or 4th and then allowing the engine torque to do the work pulling the RPM...
  6. 1

    Heelclicker and primary spring ?

    Robx-1... I guess I got lucky with my 40-10 HC kit as it's got 2500 miles on without incident or dremel action. I've retained the heel 5.3g / tip 3.4g setup, as it seems to work. What difference did reducing the heel weight have for you?
  7. 1

    Heelclicker and primary spring ?

    Sorry spray25, I was also tuning my 01 AC Tcat at the time and confused the two "stock primary springs" :oops: my bad. irregardless, I'm using the stock 03 RX-1 primary spring with my HC weights and like the setup better than with the HC primary spring.
  8. 1

    Heelclicker and primary spring ?

    I've replaced the HC primary "gorilla" spring with the stock red primary and 2 shims. When I did this first without the shims I only saw 9800 RPM. Initially with the 2 shims and the secondary untouched it would only buzz 10200. Today I tightened the secondary to 80 deg from 60 and put on 100...
  9. 1

    poor mileage anyone???

    Sled moves at 4000 RPM with the stock spring and 2 shims, which on the trails is alot better than buzzing no less than 5500 RPM most of the time.... I havn't tightened the secondary yet to get the full shift RPM up towards 10500....
  10. 1

    poor mileage anyone???

    I have HC's and get decent enough mileage....15-16 mpg. The hi reving engagement primary clutch spring sure gets to you though. This year I've installed the stock spring with a couple of shims... only seems to rev to 10200 .... will be tightening the secondary spring 10 deg, and try it......
  11. 1

    Installing Heelclicker springs sucks!!

    two pairs of hands is a must!!!!
  12. 1

    Primary Clutch torque?

    thanks guys!!! Um, do I use this on my son's Vmax 600 as well? I don't recall that high an initial torque...but my memory does suck :?
  13. 1

    Primary Clutch torque?

    Every year I ask this, and every year I say I'm gunna write it down and every year .....I DON'T.... :oops: sooooooo once again..... what's the torque sequence used to replace the primary? Is it the same for a Vmax 600, SRX and RX-1? Thanks!!!!!
  14. 1


    They're what's recommended, ....1.075" 5/16" 60 deg Woodies Golddiggers. Probably good I can't find the first set. Wouldn't want to scare folks by what can happen..... :roll:
  15. 1


    RXwonder, I can't find the original shield tear pics from the first time it failed, but this is from the second time in Feb. 03. It shredded at the opposite end of the shield....... :roll:
  16. 1


    I tore off the exhaust heat shield twice last year. First time sled had 50 miles, with 144 studs down the center. Dealer/Yamaha covered the damage, but made it clear it was a one time only deal. I added more studs (192 total) to the outsides of the track at the reps "indirect" suggestion and...
  17. 1

    AM Shoot Out Results

    600cc Cat- stock-12.886--92.04MPH dealer prep 12.515--94.40MPH vs. Yamaha RX-1 dealer prep-12.815--91.13MPH :oops: ouch!!! that sure sucks.... I can hear the chest thumpin already Was there an RX-1 turbo there? how did it perform?
  18. 1


    As well, what are your impressions of intake noise levels at trail speeds after riding for an hour or so. Issue? Non-issue? :?:
  19. 1

    what is the colder outside temp you have start your RX-1

    -40 C or F last year in Mont Laurier. My wife's Rx-1 started on about the 4th attempt..... My Tcat was a whole different story.... :roll: Lets just say I was glad we were at a motel with a electrical plug-in nearby, and was able to borrow a hair dryer.
  20. 1

    Dyno Info /pics

    jtssrx...where does the exhaust exit? An pics showing this? Sweet sled btw!!
