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  1. Apex & xtx

    XTX pics

    here mine
  2. Apex & xtx

    K&N air filters?

    oh jeez i know i shoulda keep the stock pencils with the pretty red tips on my sled instead of aftermarket ski's i am hearing the red tips and skinny skis are adding 5 horse :moon:
  3. Apex & xtx

    Chat Night!!!!

    Q: What time is it??? A: Its chat time!!!
  4. Apex & xtx

    Center strap for deep powder

    Well the Polaris strap which i think its the best one its the must rugged is $30-35 which i am going to get for my XTX than the skidoo one which is more flimzy and thats about the same price than you have the Yamaha oem on off the MTX line of sleds and its almost 100 bucks for it. So the moral...
  5. Apex & xtx

    6.9 plot ski

    thats how they are meant to mounted with the wide side out but i dont see why you couldnt go the other way with it its only like a 1/2 differance if you click on it you can enlarge it and see it better
  6. Apex & xtx

    trail maps for gps

    does anyone know if there is a map out there for Maine by any chance??
  7. Apex & xtx

    09 Maine TY Ride

    There is no date yet i have been trying to get acouple small rides together not much feed back we need to get something togather soon!! i hear all the talk from the guys in NY and Muni and out Canada doing big rides we need to get something togather to show we can have as much fun and party it...
  8. Apex & xtx

    New Polaris

    holy crap that thing is awsome did they ever make those?? i wonder how much it would cost to buy one haha i love it.
  9. Apex & xtx

    Guys We Have A New One Here

    well i guess someone from america figured if the europeans can rip people off with that scam why cant they do the same lol
  10. Apex & xtx

    2010 Teaser and Polaris Hot Rod!!

    tbey made that polaris look pretty slick to the eyes but i am sure they'll end up painting it full of tacky looking stickers but all black like that it looks nice
  11. Apex & xtx

    XTX vs. 4tec

    well if Doo made a 200+hp 4stroke id hate to see the price tag or the insurance quote. but if they do more power to them but i agree with the 170hp sounds more like it.
  12. Apex & xtx

    A few pictures from ride in Jackman Maine this weekend

    Just a few pictures from the ride in Jackman Maine this weekend a few at Bulldog camps and The Birch's
  13. Apex & xtx

    Rode and raced 08 Gade 600 XP w/ my XTX this weekend..

    So i know there has been post's similar to this before, But it's my time in the sun with it. I got a chance to ride and race my buddies Skidoo Renegade 600 XP with the 144" track. And my thoughts are WHY is a nytro compared to a 600 class 2 stroke?? His Gade is stock as far as the motor and they...
  14. Apex & xtx

    Gas dump

    apexer it only did to to me that one time i filled it up right to spout next time ill let to sit down alil more see what happens
  15. Apex & xtx

    Gas dump

    2 weeks ago i had my first fill up on my XTX and i have a trail tank and i topped it off like i do on my apex and about 2 mins later she was puking about a gallion of gas on the concrete i thought my sled was about self destruct. but when it finally stopped i realized it was burping out the over...
  16. Apex & xtx

    -30 this weekend is frost bit hands in my future?

    Just wondering its going to be 30 below this weekend i was wondering if i should take a before and after picture of my passable frost bit hands? just incase there is ever a class action law suit on yamaha handwarmers that work awesome *sarcasm* haha jk anyone else ride they're 09s in this kinda...
  17. Apex & xtx

    SWEET Thanks Yamaha

    haha nice is there a survey where you can fill it out and get free handwarmers that work and the front shock stickers for the 09 nytro's that didnt come on the sled id take that anyday over a hat anyday of the week :tg:
  18. Apex & xtx

    Apex Riders that switched to XTX

    I have a 06 apex gt and i bought a XTX i have done 3 weekend trips so far, doing another one tomorrow i havent moved my apex once this season the apex is a good sled but it feels alot heaver and it takes more to ride it all day than the XTX, both are good sleds but id rather ride the XTX
  19. Apex & xtx

    Anyone try Ski-Doo hyfax on their Yamaha? I ordered them.

    haha i love this kinda topics with us modders switching out parts from other brands its a good thing i am love yamaha's and stand by them and not switch to a other company that you dont have this issues with you get on them and they go. I know all brands have a few pro's and cons but it seems...
  20. Apex & xtx

    Excell Exhaust on Nytro

    i have one on my XTX i went the route of using no plastic cause it looks more mod and save's alittle more weight, but it sounds nice its not crazy loud at idle it sounds like a stock apex which at idle is louder than a stock nytro and when you pin it barks pretty nice. I actually thought it was...
