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Search results

  1. D

    DuPont sliders

    thanks , i just got ahold of them and they have me a set on the way today by bus , i sure hope they are as good as i'v read about as they are costly , $229 for a set , they say the stock ones melt at 300 degrees and these hiperfax melt at 700 degrees , wonder if they could cause damage...
  2. D

    DuPont sliders

    anyone know of a yamaha dealer in canada that has a set or any dealer for that matter , someone i could call , have one thats worn out and going to play again this monday for a few more days , need to find them fast , it will save me on the shipping cost instead of getting them from the U.S ,
  3. D

    DuPont sliders

    well i checked around at 2 yamaha shops today , what a waste of my time , found out that for sure , the dupont ones not on the market yet for the 162 track , so now i'm going to try to get next best set , these so called hyperfax the yamaha dealers around here don't have anything like...
  4. D

    DuPont sliders

    Anyone have them DuPont sliders on the 162 track , I need a set and don"t want to put stock ones on , any other that are tougher or last longer , I can"t seem to find who sells them DuPont for 162 track
  5. D

    16,000 kms

    Congrats , you do all them miles in happy valley area , you must of seen every inch of that country , I used to fly into goose bay at least a dozen times in the air force and stayed in happy valley , nice place and the fishing for trout is wicked good , In the winter on your sled can you...
  6. D

    Beware of less than comparable copies...

    Sad thing about it Scott , anyone can do it , make copy's , I"m really shocked more are not doing , Unless there is a patented on it , these days lots jumping on the band wagon and doing copy's or knock offs , Was chatting with a guy the other day and he"s setting himself up to Build and...
  7. D

    I can't believe I'm saying this

    if i was you , i'd stay the hell away from that cat turbo , they have been nothing but troubles , and if you do , have a thick wallet as you'll be buying belts one after the other , i know a guy who went through many belts , they not cheep , his has been in the shop for fixing more times then...
  8. D

    Need HELP making up my mind

    if i was in your boots or shoes, i would run like hell , only not away , i'd be running to grab that nytro for $7500 before it's gone , 0% interest and 2 years warranty , thats a good deal , no thats a great deal i'd find someone to fix your sled and then sell it , $3000 to do it is...
  9. D

    Trail Tank Hood Fastener (option #2)

    what a great ideal , they even look sweet , yep , i'm like'n it
  10. D


    ok thats your problem , same thing that happen to me , now it's a easy fix , what happens is that jam nut comes loose , then the adjuster backs up toward the top which in turns tightens up your thumb throttle , just the ops of what you would think would happen , but it does come tight as...
  11. D


    Just to let you know , I just took my covers off and did a double check on my sled and my buds , at that bracket , ours only has the one jam nut , his is sitting at 3 threads showing and lock up against the adjuster , mine kept coming loose so I did the bottom out trick with loctite If you...
  12. D


    Hey hey now , no need to be so rude , someday smarty pants you just might need a little advice yourself , Now on your sled with the Tors trouble , at the bracket down at the motor , on the upper side of the bracket toward the top is a jam but and the adjuster for the cable , bottom them out...
  13. D


    Had same trouble , mine was jam nut down near the motor , kept coming loose , my fix was loosen top cable nut and have some slack , then tighten the bottom nut all the way down to the bracket with the adjuster also , I got so pissed of it coming loose all the time that befor I bottomed it at...
  14. D

    Ended my season hitting a tree stump

    after a hornet , the next best ride is my nytro , I still ride somedays with my old helmet , pulled the ox hose off and pulled the valve , works real fine in the mountains , and do i ever get some looks when i fly past them doo's and kitty cats
  15. D

    Fastest sled in southwest alaska!!!

    Yes sir , congrats , wish I would of been there to see you kick some a$$ , Please do tell me about your mods , I"m on the way to the mountain to rip for a couple days
  16. D

    Fastest sled in southwest alaska!!!

    Yes sir , congrats , wish I would of been there to see you kick some a$$ , Please do tell me about your mods , I"m on the way to the mountain to rip for a couple days
  17. D

    skinz seat

    Hey thanks , sent you a pm
  18. D

    skinz seat

    yep , thats the kind of set up i'm looking to do , nice , my barker exhaust already comes with a good clamp , so i'm thinking that would be easy to get a small bracket made to run from the clamp to the bottom of the seat the other choice i have is , just get a seat and leave the barker...
  19. D

    skinz seat

    Do you have the under tunnel set up , I would love to see some pictures of those who have the seat and above tunnel exhaust set up , I"m thinking I"ll use a block off plate maybe a solid one from OFT and then cut it myself for the pipe to come up through Anyone care to share a picture , give...
  20. D

    skinz seat

    well i got my barker exhaust in , love the deep rumble sound , nice set up now i'm looking for a new seat to add , even a used one if price right , anyone have one that they might like to sell , also i think i'll need a block off plate , who has the best one for fit and finish , i tried...
