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Feb 26, 2010
I had a code 84 pop up on dash and the machine had to be towed home. Last night after reading up on this site I was able to bypass TORS and yes the code is gone but the machine does approx 22 mph on it own without touching the gas? I lookes for cable binding and none what so ever the cam is opening and closing on the way at the throttle bodies? I did not plan on driving this 270HP beast without TORS but wanted to see how it would run after bypassing it. It runs 100% now besides the very high idle please help!!!!

I did that and compared the slack to another nytro side by side and it does not seem to be that? Would a failed TPS or speed sensor do this???
try taking the throttle cable off to make sure it isnt the cable being bad or not adjusted right....
Check and make sure that the jamb nut on the throttle cable didn't come loose on the bracket above the motor. You can access it through the PTO side of the motor. Seen it happen at least 10 times.
Is the sled boosted? Make sure the throttle bodies haven't blown out of the boots.
Had same trouble , mine was jam nut down near the motor , kept coming loose , my fix was loosen top cable nut and have some slack , then tighten the bottom nut all the way down to the bracket with the adjuster also ,

I got so pissed of it coming loose all the time that befor I bottomed it at the bracket I added some blue loctite to the threads ,

Then go back up and do your last adjust at the handle bar , I moved mine so it has just a tad bit of play , I think you want it that as soon as you touch it that the thumb throttle moves in first and then it pulls on the cable ,

Have not had any troubles since ,

I would like to know how you can bypass the Tors in case I ever get stuck again out in the mountains , what did you do to shut it off if you don"t mind telling me
Yes it is boosted and the throttle boddies are all in place. I only see one jam nut where the cable sits on the bracket and that's the only jam not I see? Is their another one under the bracket that I should look for? I need to get this thing out of code 84 i HAVE A FEW MORE DAYS OF RIDDING. The bypass got rid of the code but it revs to the moon???
To bypass TORS locate the rubber boot beside headlight and their is two single black and white connectors. Plug the black and white together coming from the throttle bodies(closer to the floor) and voila it's bypassed...it takes one min
sgilbert said:
are the t bodies hitting there idle stop or not??? very simple. no offense, but if you had a clue, youd be riding

Hey hey now , no need to be so rude , someday smarty pants you just might need a little advice yourself ,

Now on your sled with the Tors trouble , at the bracket down at the motor , on the upper side of the bracket toward the top is a jam but and the adjuster for the cable , bottom them out , both , tight and blue loctite if you have it , then at the top where the cable goes into the thumb throttle , make your last adjustment there , don"t have it to tight , in your Manuel it will say what the gap should be

I keep it just a bit loose , basically you want the throttle to move in first , to get rid of that code , all I did was shut it off by key and move the throttle in and out a few time , also hit the reset on your gauge , should go away ,
Just to let you know , I just took my covers off and did a double check on my sled and my buds , at that bracket , ours only has the one jam nut , his is sitting at 3 threads showing and lock up against the adjuster , mine kept coming loose so I did the bottom out trick with loctite

If you still can "t get it , give me a pm and I"ll talk ya through it over the phone
Hey Dutchie thanks for the tip. I have approx 13 threads showing from the jam nut to the bottom of the adjuster at the engine.
