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Search results

  1. dbroaddu

    Viper Hard Starts

    Me and my bud both bought LTX SE's the same day.... both of our sleds have the hot start issue from time to time. Again, the key is don't stop cranking too early. They've always started even if being a little fussy. It's not something that bothers either one of us too much. We know about it and...
  2. dbroaddu

    Rear Ended this Weekend... Minor Tunnel Creases... Fixable??

    Thanks guys you all are giving me some good options to think about.... I really appreciate the links and contact information you fellas are taking the time to post, thanks again for throwin' a rope down to help this newb out! I'm feelin' much better about my situation and the options ya'll are...
  3. dbroaddu

    Rear Ended this Weekend... Minor Tunnel Creases... Fixable??

    I don't want to cut corners but also not burn money unnecessarily.... are we thinking this would do the job...http://www.harborfreight.com/air-tools/ ... xUOBZHTmUU and do I need to be careful on exactly what rivets to use???? like should I order the artic cat oem ones or what? thanks...
  4. dbroaddu

    Rear Ended this Weekend... Minor Tunnel Creases... Fixable??

    Thanks guys I appreciate the inputs.... I had to laugh when you ask about the dudes face, yep I'd be lying to say my blood pressure didn't spike... except it was my good buddy who did it and he was sick over it... still is, he offered to trade me his viper (we both bought them new at the same...
  5. dbroaddu

    Rear Ended this Weekend... Minor Tunnel Creases... Fixable??

    I was rear-ended on my BRAND NEW Viper this weekend >(... If it was a few years old and already "weathered" I could just stomach it.... but do you guys have any advice on the best way to fix/replace this rear tunnel half?. Can i drill out these rivets and put in new ones with a new tunnel half...
  6. dbroaddu

    Topping Off Coolant Question...

    Question, when topping off coolant can i JUST top it off at the plastic filler tank above the clutch or do I have to top off both the neck (under the hood, above the resonator) AND the coolant tank? I ask because I was blessed with one of the VIPERS with leaky coolant and loose clamps on the...
  7. dbroaddu

    Oh Man! Is this Viper gonna be my BOO? or leave me BLUE?!

    RXRIDER.... I got a message from Houston... they said GO FOR LAUNCH MY BROTHA!!!! TUESDAY'S PICK UP DAY!!!! YA HEARD!?!?!! :Rockon: Thanks again guys! Ya'll is good peepz for throwin' a rope down ta help rookies climb up!!
  8. dbroaddu

    Oh Man! Is this Viper gonna be my BOO? or leave me BLUE?!

    Fellas.... thanks so much for taking time to respond. I'm feeling much more settled today, finally stopped reading for a minute, shut that blasted internet OFF, put some visine in my eyes, and slept on it.....And you know what... I'M BUYIN' IT! There's a good support system right here! The...
  9. dbroaddu

    Oh Man! Is this Viper gonna be my BOO? or leave me BLUE?!

    Newbie chiming in and let me start off my first post by sayin' thanks to all ya'll who support and share your knowledge on here... this forum is a huge help for those of us on the outside wanting to get in, and up to speed. SO THANKS MUCH!!! Okay guys check my math here... I'm at the...
