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Oh Man! Is this Viper gonna be my BOO? or leave me BLUE?!

Fellas.... thanks so much for taking time to respond. I'm feeling much more settled today, finally stopped reading for a minute, shut that blasted internet OFF, put some visine in my eyes, and slept on it.....And you know what... I'M BUYIN' IT! There's a good support system right here! The knowledge is here to deal with whatever comes up, and for me, right now the finances and more importantly the WIFE is onboard, so that said the iron's hot.... time to strike it! CARPE DIEM my BROTHAZ!!!!... and no I don't already have a sled. So unless 2015's run on banana peels and time travel.... This one will be more than enough for me to have a BALL!

Not too mention I could snow check one and then in September one of the cars could blow up and we need a new one and low and behold.... in October I'm just a selfish pig for buying that new sled when we have this "new" car payment.... this way it's just spilt milk... you married guys know where I'm coming from. Can I get an AMEN!

PS. Thanks for the heads up on that XTX at Bright. I actually already went down and looked at that one, it's nice..... but alas ALL boxes must be checked if I'm going new and for me that means LTX SE 'Red/Black'.

Thanks again guys!

Amen dbroaddu

When wifey approves it's buying time, and do it fast before the little lady sees something she wants Down at the mall LOL

I have torn the Viper completely apart and put it together again installing a turbo kit on it.
It's a well designed sled and the Yamaha Engine is nicely joined With the AC Chassis.

It's a GO Brother :) Count Down is at zero, do we have lift-off?

If you want more technical info on the Viper have a look in my rxrider's turbo garage thread, link in my signature.

RXRIDER.... I got a message from Houston... they said GO FOR LAUNCH MY BROTHA!!!! TUESDAY'S PICK UP DAY!!!! YA HEARD!?!?!! :Rockon:

Thanks again guys! Ya'll is good peepz for throwin' a rope down ta help rookies climb up!!
dbroaddu said:
Fellas.... thanks so much for taking time to respond. I'm feeling much more settled today, finally stopped reading for a minute, shut that blasted internet OFF, put some visine in my eyes, and slept on it.....And you know what... I'M BUYIN' IT!

That was me 4 weeks ago! You made a great choice, and you're gonna love it!

dbroaddu said:
RXRIDER.... I got a message from Houston... they said GO FOR LAUNCH MY BROTHA!!!! TUESDAY'S PICK UP DAY!!!! YA HEARD!?!?!! :Rockon:

Thanks again guys! Ya'll is good peepz for throwin' a rope down ta help rookies climb up!!

Nice.... fellow sledding brotha... and I would like to welcome you on Board With Yamaha and on this web-site :)
If you have quesitons, please post them in the SR Viper Forum; and you will get an answer in a short time.
We have a lot of knowledgeable members able to help you out on the questions you may have.

I'm done installing the turbo kit on the Viper, going out tomorrow for a shake Down ride.
Are going to put Down at least 60 miles on it tomorrow.

