I'm just curious, what is your average income/salary a year in US and Canada? Here in Norway its aprox 300000nok/50000USD and a 2010 apex attack cost aprox 28500USD here..
I guess the 2011 would probebly be around 30000USD.
In 2006, my yamaha dealer asked aprox 24000USD for the rtx.
Rumors here in Norway tells that this sled has a low pressure turbocharger, that the apex "look" is camuflage and the sled that be shown 2.feb will have a completely different frontend design.
Also, yamaha have done som mods with cold start issue on the first models. Here in Norway they changed the ecu and also the spring on the auto decomp system. They did this mod on my 07 phazer fx one year after I bought it.
Loosen track tension, take a grip on the drive shaft and see if there is movement - if yes the bearing is gone - on the left side (not on the chain case side) but if you drive long enough with a "gone" left side bearing you will destroy the right side bearing/chain/sprocet wheels and if you have...
Its all about the driving conditions. Have smoked my slides with the stock ripsaw riding 200miles - high speed on hardpacked/bad snow conditions, and now I have 1000miles with my cobra in loose snow conditions with almost no slides wear at all.
Btw, I have the "hyfax extender wheels spacer...
No recalls/important updates on any apex's except some poor gas pump relay and idler wheels on the early/first models - and "cold" and warmers on all models upp to 2010.
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