Search results

  1. DooZ

    Whip or extension plug

    I bought one last fall from Country Cat for my Cat. I think it was on sale for around $30. Haven't used it yet, but just thought I needed it.
  2. DooZ

    Paging Ms. La Niña, Ms. La Niña pickup line 998....

    10+" in Minocqua/N Central WI
  3. DooZ

    Good Grooming

    Those pics look like it was set-up pretty firm. Any cooling issues? Sure looks sweet!
  4. DooZ

    O,boy the sun is out and it just snowed 70 inches

    No pics, it didn't happen lol
  5. DooZ

    Midwest snow report

    I'm sure the trails are rideable, but don't have high expectations. Lakes are good, there just isn't that much snow for the trails. The snow we got last weekend was powder, and the further north & west didn't get as much. Iron County might get some LES the next couple days because of how cold it...
  6. DooZ

    Paging Ms. La Niña, Ms. La Niña pickup line 998....

    No trailer? N WI is rideable, so the crowds in the UP should be scattering some. Go blow the cobwebs outta that
  7. DooZ

    STM secondary vs. stock helix angles.

    I run the STM because I was never really impressed with the stock Cat secondary, and like you said parts are cheap for experimenting. Plus how can you go wrong with the look of billet :cool:.
  8. DooZ

    Bents camp 2025

    Gonna try to ride there. Hopefully see you there.
  9. DooZ

    Last Yamaha Sidewinder auction

    Yikes....someone needs a cool write-off lol
  10. DooZ

    High Volume Fuel Pump

    Gap selling some of the tech on a sunsetting era to make the last bit of coin? Or...PEFI just getting around to st------ it lol
  11. DooZ

    TD/GAP Big Turbo first impressions

    Did you get into the motor in the off-season to beef things up?
  12. DooZ

    Customer service

    Been running Hornets/Stingers forever. If your supplier is CBPerformanceparts (advertiser here) I can vouch for their great customer service. My last order showed up on my doorstep 2 days from order date with regular shipping. Very competitive pricing as well!
  13. DooZ

    Midwest snow report

    40's in the WI Northwoods yesterday
  14. DooZ

    1.6" Ice Cobra on Sidewinder

    Piece of mind would be to just install the oem 3 aluminum tube protector on the rear cooler. I'm assuming those little studs could do some significant scratching of the cooler on a tail landing , etc.. My $.02
  15. DooZ

    Midwest snow report

    If that's how you want to remember it, then I'll let you have your mental Lakes by far are the best in years.
  16. DooZ

    Midwest snow report

    Lakes only for now here
  17. DooZ

    Paging Ms. La Niña, Ms. La Niña pickup line 998....

    At least someone's gettin' it...enjoy
  18. DooZ

    Midwest snow report

    I'm hoping Lake Minocqua gets marked soon. Oneida County has said they will not open without more snow. Vilas got some LES this week to be able to open. It was mostly the northern half of Vilas. I think the Derby, & MLK weekend had something to do with it.
  19. DooZ

    Hurricane secondary intercooler

    You've got some lights on that bad boy too...:cool:
  20. DooZ

    TD header, tune & afpr question

    General ?...would closed loop clean that up if it's truly a problem?
