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03 RX-1 compared to 05


Feb 27, 2007
Kitchener, Ont.
OK. Seeing all the good info and advice on this site has made me wonder if its worth the $1000 or so to do all the mods on my 03 to fix the handling problems ect. or to trade up to an 05. Being 6'4 250 lbs my stock 03 with 7600kms on it is very tippy, bad handling ect as everyone knows. If I went to an 05 how much better is the ride? Is this a good idea? Did they iron out all the faults by that model year? Time to make some decisions!!!! Thanks in advance for all the good tips and advice!

The 05 has better rings and suspension jack shaft update and carb update hand heaters that dont need to be reset on every ride and some light weight covers. Go with the 05 and get the big boy suspension spring and some new skis with bergstrom skegs right off the start.
mikeRX said:
OK. Seeing all the good info and advice on this site has made me wonder if its worth the $1000 or so to do all the mods on my 03 to fix the handling problems ect. or to trade up to an 05. Being 6'4 250 lbs my stock 03 with 7600kms on it is very tippy, bad handling ect as everyone knows. If I went to an 05 how much better is the ride? Is this a good idea? Did they iron out all the faults by that model year? Time to make some decisions!!!! Thanks in advance for all the good tips and advice!
$300 will cover the ride issues. The only differences are swaybar, links, and springs. And if you're going to an 05, you'll want to do the swaybar anyways, since most agree that the 11mm bar that comes stock right up to 08 is insufficient. That means that you'll STILL have to put $100 into the 05, bringing the difference down to $200 for springs and links.

The only real faults with the 03 were in the front end calibrations, and in what it would end up costing you to update to an 05, you could do the front end modifications and upgrade to a used aftermarket suspension, so my advise is NO, do NOT change to an 05.
The only thing 05 actually needs is the updated rear skid parts for the mono...~$150. I had (demo's from work..not actually mine) an 03 and an 04 and both don't compare to the 05 right out of the box. The 04 was alot better then the 03 but in 05 it was a big jump. The only issue is the mono's durability (first year) it needs the '06 updates and some grease fittings. I have the stock swaybar in mine and it works fine..I run the front with A-arms level and that alone eliminated most of the inside ski lift. It's not tippy...not like the 03...not even close.

The best mod for all of these sleds is an Apex seat. It changes the whole character of the sled. I held out for an 05 because of the mono. It was worth it to me not to have to deal with the PA skid.
I agree with LazyBastard, the 03's are plentiful and cheaper than the 05's and you'll have more money to spend on the mods you want. You can hem and haw about the suspension. But LazyBastard helped me, setup the PA suspension he's a good man w/ good sense.
I have an 03 and an 05. If you own an 03, I'd just upgrade it. I put a Bender Monoshock on mine, it is actually batter than the stock yami Mono. Once you do the upgrades and get them dialed in, they ride and handle great. I actually like the 03 better, it rides nicer.
Sorry....I missed the part about already owning the 03...ya..I'm with the rest. Just upgrade the 03! For $1000 you'd buy everything you'd ever need plus more.
There were something like 117 changes made to the '04 model from the '03 model. Then there were the Ring changes to the '05 model. But, ... if you can find an '03 that is not burning oil and put in ~$500, you can get a fairly good riding '03. But if you ride an '05, you probably would not be happy with the resulting '03.
LazyBastard said:
Unless you put $1000 into the 03, then an 05 would be disappointing....

Not if your using oil like a two stroke! To fix that alone on the 03 is going to cost him much more than $1000. Then theres the carbs stalling out on big bumps but thats an o ring to fix that and then the jackshaft collar and what about the pain in the rear hand and thumb warmers having to be set each time. I would go for the 05 and with his weight get the big boy spring right away.
Why would it be using oil? These are great engines. Don't blow out of proportion the VERY FEW that consume oil.

And the carbs are NOT a problem AT ALL. Only for mountain applications where the thing will be pointed straight up for extended periods of time, and someone from kitchener ontario certainly has NO USE for the o-ringed float bowls.

I don't get it, its like people are grasping at straws to try and come up with reasons to convince this guy to WASTE his $$.
Here's a great reason NOT to change sleds;

You've got a great 03 and you know what condition its in. If you replace it with another USED sled, you never know what you're going to end up with. The first question to consider is WHY would someone sell it? Chances are that there is a reason, and its not to "upgrade". Might have been smashed up, might have had a turbo on it. You never know.
LazyBastard said:
Why would it be using oil? These are great engines. Don't blow out of proportion the VERY FEW that consume oil.

And the carbs are NOT a problem AT ALL. Only for mountain applications where the thing will be pointed straight up for extended periods of time, and someone from kitchener ontario certainly has NO USE for the o-ringed float bowls.

I don't get it, its like people are grasping at straws to try and come up with reasons to convince this guy to WASTE his $$.

I am not grasping at straws here I am giving him the facts on known problems of the 03's is that not what he wanted was some facts? The 03's use oil a lot of them do, and so did some of the 04's which is why Yamaha made the rings an upgrade in 05 there was a problem or they would not have upgraded the rings. Personally if mine used some I would just add some and ride it. The carbs were a problem when guys were landing their sleds off of a small dip even in Ontario when it landed the engine would die or sputter give it a minute or two and it would run. Again Yamaha made an upgrade if it was not a problem it would not have been upgraded and I do believe they upgraded all the sleds not just the mountains. The jackshaft without the collar was a problem plain and simple and the hand warmers were a nuisance but worked well when set.
