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05' RX1 peak shift rpm


Feb 10, 2006
Mb. Canada
I hope this isn't a stupid question, I tried searching but wasn't able to find the info I was looking for. My brother has an 05' RX1, all stock, when accelerating from a stop, the rpm's hold steady at 10,0000rpm and I was wondering if any performance gains can be had by bumping the rpm's up to 10,300 or so, as that's what I notice most people are running at? If we can get an extra sled length or so in 660ft by bumping the rpm's up it would be worth it but b/c the hp curve is so wide on the 4 stroke I'm not sure if the 300rpm increase would help. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

LazyBastard said:
Over 10000 would help a little. Get a couple more HP, spin it around 10500.

Thanks, I really appreciate your advice! I just didn't want to play around getting the rpms a little higher if there was nothing to be gained by doing so. Thanks agian, 10,500 it is!!
10200 to 10400 is bang on......add a 23 tooth top gear for some real extra push you will feel in the seat of the pants!!!!
