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06 RS Venture questions???


Aug 29, 2010
Pulaski, WI
Does anyone know if I can put a 2" riser block for the handlbars without buying new cables, etc???
Will a 2" track work ok without changing to 8 tooth drivers??
Is there a 135mm wheel/bearing combo I can use without having to machine the wheel mounts???
Is there a better deep snow ski for off trail riding???

Thanks in advance!!

I've had my 07 Venture GT off trail quite a bit with no modifications. The trick is when it gets deep, keep your thumb in the carb and don't stop until you've circled back to your tracks or someone elses. And stay on the trail if you have a passenger. It gets pretty top heavy.
I'm going to wyoming in Feb. Won't have a passenger but I need to be ready to ride in the deep stuff. Thanks for the info!
Deep stuff w/a venture is a trick. As was stated, keep your thumb in it!! Nothing worse than getting stuck in the middle of a field with no one around.
^^^Tell me about it!

Last winter I was riding alone (I'm very intelligent) on my '07 Venture GT, when I had to cross a two-lane highway. There had been a lot of snow recently, and the highway plows had built up 6-foot-high ridges on each side of the highway. Preceding snowmobiles had knocked the ridges down to about 4 feet high. I began crossing the highway and climbed up the far-side ridge. As I got on the peak of the ridge, one side of the ridge collapsed, tipping my sled to the right.

Next thing I know, the sled and I are sliding on our respective right sides towards a pretty hefty sign post. The sled slides to a stop just barely touching the sign. I'm ok, but now I have to bring the ol' girl back onto two skis - alone. I'm not small, but neither is the Venture. After throwing everything I have into it, I finally get it upright on the third try. I get on the seat, start the Venture right up on the first try and select Reverse. I ease the throttle - zero movement. I give twice as much throttle - zero movement x 2. I get off the sled and note two circumstances:

1. The right side ski is buried in the snow, adding a lot of resistance to any type of sled movement; and

2. I've done a pretty good job of trenching the track as a result.

I have no shoveling tools of any type with me, so I'm boned. Fortunately, a few minutes later a fleet of SkiDoos comes my way and helps me lift the back of the sled out of the trench and, after kicking some snow into the trench, I'm on my way.

Once at my destination, I reviewed my Venture GT for damage - zero - not even a scuff on the paint or mirror. Tough sled.

Got to get me a portable shovel this year...
Take a shovel

I ride an 07 RS Venture TF that I have had in some hard places. These sleds are tuff but I also carry a shovel and a small pair of snowshoes. (Both fit neatly in the added rear carrier). Together they have kept me out of a whole lot of trouble. The venture is too heavy to be throwing out of holes so take your time and shovel. Keep the throttle open though and she will take you through most everything!
Nothing worse than getting stuck in the middle of a field with no one around

darn right...
I have saved my case few times with my trottle rope.
That is, a little rope with few knots at the end that i pass thru a tiny hole on the trottle. That way, i can pull on a ski & give it some gas....
Worth two guys already.... at 3 on the cold morning, priceless.
aVenture said:
Nothing worse than getting stuck in the middle of a field with no one around

darn right...
I have saved my case few times with my trottle rope.
That is, a little rope with few knots at the end that i pass thru a tiny hole on the trottle. That way, i can pull on a ski & give it some gas....
Worth two guys already.... at 3 on the cold morning, priceless.

Going to add a throttle rope to my tricky bag as well.
I've got a 2" Rox pivot riser on my 2008 RS Venture & I didn't have to do anything with the cables...everything worked out fine & there is so much adjustment for the bars with the pivot riser. Actually its the best comfort mod I can think of for that particular sled.

As for deep snow...the big beast will suprise you at what it will power through. Make no mistake its no mountain sled but holy crap it can get through quite a bit of the white stuff. Now if you get stuck bad hope that you have a shovel & some help cuz its one heavy mother.
I bought the Rox 3 1/2" riser and I also bought the longer cables and brake line so I won't have to worry about it now. I put the 2" challenger track on also so we'll see how much snow it'll go through...
