06 VK Professional clutch parts


Jan 25, 2022
Reaction score
06 Yamaha VK Professional
Anyone have experience going through the clutch on these pigs? I have a seemingly clapped out clutch on mine(06 VK Professional), it's knocking & loud.. the noise goes away completely with a little rpm once the belt is engaged.. most of the parts seem to have good tolerance, except for the weights which are looose & wobbly.. should I stick with Yamaha parts, or are there any aftermarket options or?
Any help with part numbers or advice would be very helpful!
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Anyone have experience going through the clutch on these pigs? I have a seemingly clapped out clutch on mine(06 VK Professional), it's knocking & loud.. most of the parts seem to have good tolerance, except for the weights which are looose & wobbly.. should I stick with Yamaha parts, or are there any aftermarket options or?
Any help with part numbers or advice would be very helpful!
I just replied to the other thread about 10 minutes ago.
I saw that, thank you.. however the thread you referred me to was describing a completely different clutch issue.. this knocking issue is from worn out parts I believe.. parts that maybe, hopefully someone has had experience with finding/installing.. factory Yamaha, or aftermarket options?
Thank you!
Anyone have experience going through the clutch on these pigs? I have a seemingly clapped out clutch on mine(06 VK Professional), it's knocking & loud.. the noise goes away completely with a little rpm once the belt is engaged.. most of the parts seem to have good tolerance, except for the weights which are looose & wobbly.. should I stick with Yamaha parts, or are there any aftermarket options or?
Any help with part numbers or advice would be very helpful!
Change out the weights with oem parts. Pricey but other than replacing the clutch with aftermarket like comet etc thats the only way to go.check rollers at the same time , the bushings usually wear
Change out the weights with oem parts. Pricey but other than replacing the clutch with aftermarket like comet etc thats the only way to go.check rollers at the same time , the bushings usually wear
Ok, thanks for the confirmation! Do the weights require other little parts to be changed in their assembly?
I'll check the rollers too for sure. Thanks again!
Replaced all of the incredibly worn out weights/bushings, etc.. what are the torque specs to put it back on the machine?
clutch bolt is 85 ft/lb inital torque. then you loosen it and re tighten it to 43 ft/lb. i usually hold the primary from rotating with a wooden hammer handle or a pry bar wrapped in a rag when torquing it.
Thank you!! Now to get it to start... I miss the simple older machines
I stand corrected as I just had a Vector come through with shot weight bushings!
Ok, so- this #-$-$-#*@# machine ran great before it sat for a few weeks while I did the clutch- now the &@$-+* wont start. It cranks & cranks, sometimes a backfire, but it refuses to catch & start..
I've got no lights or any indication of electricity flowing, I can't remember if those even come on during ignition/cranking.. There's a few things I'd like to just run off a cliff, this machine is one of them.
Put three brand new spark plugs in it.
Ya it's got new plugs supposedly.. they do look wet, they don't appear to be getting spark, would they give even a weak spark if they're fouled?
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have you tried pressurizing the gas tank through the vent line? common for the venture/vectors/rage carbed sleds when they have sat for a bit.
What do you mean "supposedly".
New ones can foul after only 4-6 starts without driving the sled.
Try brand new ones.
