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Nov 24, 2008
Just picked up a yami tech update book and wanted to share the following:

Ball-joints: if your dealer has not replaced these under warranty yet, find anothe dealer. The latest lower ball joints are totally new... They have 3 "peened" marks on one side of the race, this is how you can tell the new ones from the old.
The second batch of o8 ball joints were no better then the first.

Gearing: do not run a 22t upper gear with stock 39t (1.77 ration) lower and 70l chain.. Chain is then too long and requires too much adj. Bolt. Next option is 22t with 38t (1.73 ratio) and 68l chain. Stock gear ratio = 1.86.

Lower sprocket bolt has been upgraded. As reported in this forum, some users have found broken bolt in chaincase. This bolt has been upgraded a few times for 09. Order the 09 bolt when in the chaincase, easy to replace.

All this talk about how "darty" these nytros are. I felt the same thing, but think i compensated pretty well for it.
1) run your toe-out at 1/2 inch
2) i ran my front springs tight, keeping the weight distribution more rear bias on deacceleration. This is when the darting is at its worst, upon deacceleration.
3) riding style, in knowing #2, change up style so as to not deaccelerate just on throttle, try to time with braking for more control. Careful over the fast jumps and landing off throttle, on deacceleration, this is the worst scenario. It will throw you over the bars.

One last point, all this talk about the front ends being "tweaked".. You guys need to be honest... I ride very hard and aggressive, im over 6 ft and weigh in at 250#... If my machine has not tweaked, then none will. Anyone complaining about skis being further back on left compared to right, or whatever, you have hit something with your a-arms. Leave the drinking for another time. It is very obvious by looking at the design of this front end, that if a load is induced into the a-arm, front to back, the sub frame on the front will be bent.. Very obvious... The a-arms get bolted in brackets that are made of 1/16 thick plate, and they are not designed for load in this front to rear direction, only up and down as desgined. The days of just replacing suspension components after hitting something with your ski are gone.

In saying this, the front subframe has been stiffened for 09. Yamaha clearly states to dealers to check for signs of induced loads, as in paint chipping from welds, etc... Signs of someone who has hit something and is just trying to replace a-arms, etc...

Also, in the rear supspension, both the center arm and the rearm have been updated for o9.. Ive checked mine after a gruelling 2000 miles, and all looks well.

Im a "too the bar" type of rider.. Not the drinking bar, but the throttle bar. After 2000 miles, yes ive replaced ball joints twice, hyfax's 4 times, but........ Nothing has been bent or broke or failed yet.. Its holding up very well.

Good ridin to ya all...... Happy holidays.......

You should give your caps lock key a poke, my eyes hurt...

You really should have quit typing before your "ONE LAST POINT"- You seriously think that the front suspension was designed to only see true up/dwn loads??? Is your sled not moving when the suspension cycles through is travel? Virtually any bump you hit puts a backward load on the a-arms, the Nytro is just weaker than most sleds in this dept. If it was not an issue then the 09's would not have been updated...

My right side is pushed back quite visibly (shock actually hit the upper a-arm) and the sled has never hit a thing that is is not supposed to, it is a ditchbanging sled and should easily take that type of abuse.
shadow637 said:
You should give your caps lock key a poke, my eyes hurt...

You really should have quit typing before your "ONE LAST POINT"- You seriously think that the front suspension was designed to only see true up/dwn loads??? Is your sled not moving when the suspension cycles through is travel? Virtually any bump you hit puts a backward load on the a-arms, the Nytro is just weaker than most sleds in this dept. If it was not an issue then the 09's would not have been updated...

My right side is pushed back quite visibly (shock actually hit the upper a-arm) and the sled has never hit a thing that is is not supposed to, it is a ditchbanging sled and should easily take that type of abuse.

Oh Lord help us all....... another GD thread about how the frond end is/isn't weak.

However, I totally agree with triumph54...... normal trail riding isn't going to bend anything. If someones version of normal riding includes hitting stumps under the snow, smacking large rocks under the snow, clipping culverts with one ski (ditch riding) etc, etc. All of which I've never seen on any trails.

Riding off marked snowmobile routes or trails is illegal in most areas and doing so and striking a foreign object is your own fault. Don't piss & moan about how Yamaha,Ski-Doo,'Cat, Polaris makes POS sleds that can't handle the use they were intended for.

I don't give two $hits what type of riding a sled is supposed to be marketed for, if a person really thinks that a factory production sled is the same thing the race teams use on the track, and you can take it off trail and jump houses with it, you my friend are living in a fantasy land full of midgets & rainbows.

No matter how bad-a$$ of a weekend warrior you may think you & you're STOCK sled are, true race sleds have more money & technology in their shocks than you do in your whole sled.
I think it was so perfect in 08 that they just updated the frame for 09 so they could sell new sleds. Give me a break, they wouldn't have changed it if there wasn't a problem.

I fixed the caps lock, MS Word is great!

That's a hell of an inflammatory post for your first one, particularly the front end 'opinion'.
Just a thought how many of you guys load your sleds in or on trailers. IMO alot of the bending is due to the carbides digging into the lip on the trailer when loading. You hit a sharp edge while going up a steep incline thats alot of force to get stopped quick. Especially when the Nytro is no light weight in the front. I too ride this sled but have wooden ramps built so I can load and unload right out of my truck. Ive hit things under the snow which have taken gouges out of the ski no problem! Im not trying to start an argument its just an observation ive made. Personally it doesnt bother me if it breaks it breaks its a year old now! I have not had one toy that I have not had to repair parts after a year. I use them and dump them thats why they are just toys!
I love my 08 trx, but if this sled would have been built by Polaris or Ski-doo there would have been about four recalls eight months ago. I was going riding one day and saw that my right front ski was back a little farther than the left, i was up-set about it but went riding anyway, the next time i looked the front end it was straight. I heard that some sub-frames weren't welded 100% and flexing. I paid 10k for this sled i just want the up-dated sub-frame, not the 09 front end. All those people who are saying that there is nothing wrong with the sub-frames, just wait!
My opinion was posted above...... but I guess I have to agree with tm969 also. The right thing for Yamaha to do is give '08 owners an '09 subframe. Everything, no!! Just the subframe.

However, in my next breath I will say that us '08 owners can very easily take matters into our own hands & have the two plates welded in like the '09s.

I personally don't think I'll ever bend anything, I don't beat my toys to death. I ride sensable & take excellent care of my machines. But, that being said, I MIGHT weld in the plates. Maybe??
I heard from my dealer that replaced my subframe, that only some of the fixtures that were used for welding the subframes were wrong. I wonder why they don't have a way of tracing which subframes/sleds would of came off of which line or fixture. Sounds like QC should be able to trace these to a serial number and offer replacements. The others supposidly are just the design. Right or wrong.
sheetwright said:
I heard from my dealer that replaced my subframe, that only some of the fixtures that were used for welding the subframes were wrong. I wonder why they don't have a way of tracing which subframes/sleds would of came off of which line or fixture. Sounds like QC should be able to trace these to a serial number and offer replacements. The others supposidly are just the design. Right or wrong.

Funny you say that. I was at the dealer today to pick up my sled ( I had a new track installed ), they said it is not ready, they have ordered a new sub frame for it, going to be replaced under warrenty.

Last year I brought my sled to the dealer, said one ski sits further back than the other. I ride my sled hard, but I have never hit anything. The dealer checked it over, couldn't find any signs of impact, not even a scratch. They didn't even know where it was bent, just that it was. Yamaha Canada told them to take certain measurements and forwad it to them, they did. The dealer told me not to worry, ride as I normally do, and be patient it will take some time. I put 2500kms on it after that, and it never got any worse. I asked on occasion if they have heard anything about my sled, "nothing yet" was all I got. I was told today my sled was bent when I got it and they were going to take care of it. They also said the 08 and 09 subframes are the same part numbers now, you can't even get a sub frame like the 08s anymore.

So is it the dealer trying to keep me happy or Yamaha stepping up to the plate, I don't know. I am however 100% satisfied with the outcome. Now all we need is some snow.
i am not sold on the weak front end yet! I have seen two clips that have been bent... one fell of the trailer while unloading it and the other was crashing from a jump! As for my front end it is fine i have hit ramps...drifts ..crashed and it is still fine minus the ball joints! but i think that these machines are tough... and the 09s will just be better... and i have come to grips with that.....
Mine is at the dealer right now also. They have a call into yamaha to find out what to do next. The left ski si back almost 1 inch. No sign of damage at all, 550 miles. For the guys saying you have to hit something to move the subframe, stand in my or others that have bad subframes and then speak...............Brian
