1.6" ice cobra or stud ripsaw2

My STOCK 2016 LTX-LE with a Venom clutch kit pulled the 1.6 Ice Cobra to 104 in the right conditions.
My 15" ltx DX with ulmers intake, sandale can and big venom clutch kit pulled 108 once with the 1.6 ice cobra.
After speaking with the Camso rep and actual designer of the tracks this weekend I have decided to go with the Ripsaw 2 1.5. I ride mostly on trail and loose snow and with 180ish horsepower he said the Ice Cobra would probably be too soft and fold over on hardpack. . He thought the stiffer lugs of the Ripsaw2 1.5 would be better suited to my type of riding. He also said he would not trim the track to 14 inch as this would do little for the cornering of the sled.
I think the stock track is 1.3? I was comparing it to the 1.6
I checked this morning before posting that.


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After speaking with the Camso rep and actual designer of the tracks this weekend I have decided to go with the Ripsaw 2 1.5. I ride mostly on trail and loose snow and with 180ish horsepower he said the Ice Cobra would probably be too soft and fold over on hardpack. . He thought the stiffer lugs of the Ripsaw2 1.5 would be better suited to my type of riding. He also said he would not trim the track to 14 inch as this would do little for the cornering of the sled.
It sounds like you did your research and made the right choice for your riding conditions. I'm going with the same Ripsaw 2 with the 1.5" lugs on my SW LTX also. In talking with the Camso reps at Hay Days I got virtually the same answers as you did. I ride mostly on trail without studs and I'm looking for the most durable lugs for the HP of the sled along with the best handling track with improved hook up over the stock 1.25" lugs.
I had originally purchased a 1.6" ice cobra for my sled but find myself coming back to this thread and wondering what I should do. Now that you guys are going with the 1.5" and there not as soft, don't you think you the paddles will be more likely to rip off or get damagesd? Do you think the track will hook up decent with out studs? Is the 1.5" a single ply?
The 1.6" Ice Cobra track that you have is absolutely a great track and should hook up just fine. The durability of the lugs will be totally dependent on the conditions you ride in and your right thumb.

If your riding conditions involve situations where some additional traction is needed on icy trails and you're riding on mostly fresh, soft snow and some hard pack you've got the right track. Yamaha probably does more testing of tracks than any other OEM to determine what track is best for each model that they offer. They certainly wouldn't offer the Cobra 1.6" on some SW models if they didn't test it and approve it. The Ripsaw 2 1.5" lug is a 2-ply track.

That being said........picking out a track is kind of like picking out a wife. Enough said.
