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1.75 track and sStuds on 06 Attack...

ded moroz

Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
Moscow, Russia
Hello guys...

Is it possible to install 136x15x1.75 track on Attack and put 1.860 studs ???

Heard that I change to 8 tooth drivers 1.75 track would fit...

Which drivers do I need to get ??? How many Pitches ???

I assume I can use Camoplast Cross country track ??? Is possible track number as well...

Hope someone could help ME out...

Many Thanks,

I want this sled by goo in Ice and in deep snow...

So I need to remove my tunned protectors, is there any risk of damaging something if I remove tunnel protectors ???

Heard that is better to use 15inch track rather then 16 ????...cause it runs very close and track would need to be aliged all the time...

Do you think is better to install 2" or 1.75...for of trail cross country riding ???
a studded 1.5" crossover is the best you will ever get and that is really pushing it for room!
Camoplast doesn't make a 15x1.75x136, only 16. If you want a 1.75, thats what you're stuck with.

Now as for on ice.... VERY BAD to run that deep of a track on ice - it'll melt your slides and, when you stop, freeze up. Plus, the spikes, if you put any, would just fold over.
You would be better off having two tracks; a 1.25" with studs when riding a day on ice (assume you are racing), and a 1.5" or 1.75" when riding off trail. You don't want or need studs in a track larger than 1.25" because the longer lug tracks are for deep snow conditions where studs don't add value.
Thanks for you comments guys...

If I can fit 136x2 with 8 tooth, why cant I fit 1.75 with 1.860 studs ???

So I cant get new 136x15x1.75 track anymore only 16 or I can get one for Doo who made them for 04 Gades ???
ded moroz said:
If I can fit 136x2 with 8 tooth, why cant I fit 1.75 with 1.860 studs ???
It is less about getting it to fit and more about it not being practical. Studs that long will bend on the ice and other hard surfaces. You're hyfax will burn quickly because snow won't make it in. Go with 2 tracks. ;)!
Actually, there are TWO reasons why you can't put a 1.75 with studs;

1) To fit that in there, you have to remove the tunnel protectors. This means that when the track baloons, the studs will cut right in and destroy your tunnel - my bet would be less than a mile before it is undrivable.

2) Even WITH tunnel protectors (assuming that they would still fit, that long of LUGS, and they'll fold right over on the tunnel protectors to again expose the studs to the delicate aluminum tunnel. See (1).
studs that long will lose thier leverage and fold not really giving you the traction you think you are going to get with studs. it will also eventually cut into your track at the nut because of constant folding over on hard surfaces. and like others said say good bye to your tunnel.
Ok... if 1.860 studs will hit the tunnel, how would 2" track work, if would also hit the tunnel...

Found some package on Harmans site and he is installing 2" on Attak no probs, I wonder does he change anything else expect drivers and removeing tunnel protections ???
