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Jan 29, 2008
Mayer Minnesota
Thinking of converting to a 136" with a 1.5 freeride. where do i start looking and what kind of cost are you getting?

i think theres a user on here zakstang?.. He has a pretty sweet setup and i dont think he extended the tunnel, search around or pm him
Do a search under my name also. I extended the tunnel and the bumper.
I have a 136" Freeride and a Hartman Inc rail extension kit. I didn't extend my tunnel and have had no issues. If you want to extend it look for Zook's post on this subject he did a nice job. Yamahagirl has said in previous posts that you need to extend the tunnel or you will have issues. I just have not had any myself. I did cut a couple of inches off my flap and bemt the flap up a little.
search my posts...i copied zook on the tunnel/grab bar and cut down a 15inch track to 14.25in on a table saw....HIGHLY recommend extending it....1000% improvement to the sled....any questions let us know...i think i have about 500 or so into the whole deal but i added clutch kit too..
If you plan on only trail riding, maybe you would be alright with out extending the tunnel. I on the other hand do jumping and off trail riding ... even with the tunnel extension I have hit a few times. I have over 1000 miles on mine extended.

Measure out the foot print and see for your self if you think you will have any issues.
i dont htink its "necessary" but i did as i went to a 1.75 paddle and ride a lot of deeper snow....i went to 17tooth top gear and and very happy...i also changed the secondary spring to the mountain lite setting....i did not change the 9tooth drivers to 8tooth.....
Thanks for all your help. I ordered a 136" and I also have a buddy that is machining a full set of billet wheels for me 8" in the rear and stock sizes for all the rest. I'll post pictures this spring and summer since thats when it will be complete.
I just read a post that srxspec is going to do a 144". What do you guys think about doing a 144" with 10" wheels. that would take up some of the track length but still give it a awesome look. anybody see any problems other that lack of power. My buddy that is a machineist has a set of 12" rear wheels on his kiddy cat, I have to admit it looks pretty sweet.
