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160hp nytro?

I'd say with intake, exhaust, power commander you could get close. It would take some cams and headwork to probably get to 170.

Its definately doable and been done before, just not popular.

Unless you are doing the work yourself, turbo is definately the cheapest way to go for $ per HP.
I higly doubt that you would get 160 hp with just some minor work...

It would cost more than a turbo, just to get 30 hp out of it... Turbo is proven performance, N/A tuning...well....we'll see...a guy over here is doing some head work, exhaust and some more stuff to his and gettin it dyno'd...I'd be suprised if we see anything over 150...

30 HP? our MTX'x come at 138 HP last I saw a stock dyno on it...not trying to quibble but when we are talking bolt on HP improvements, that 8 HP is a big deal...in two stroker world that is equal to twin pipes or something...

will be interesting to see some dynos with fuel mapping increases...like the RB3 and or Power COmmander...would imagine you could tune 10HP out of better fuel mapping alone, but then again, I did not stay at a Holiday Inn Express...
A buddy of mine has a full exhaust setup, intake kit, clutch kit, fuel accelerator, and he got a port and polish done and he's running 165 hp on the dyno, its right beside and in some cases ahead of a 800 summit xp in the climbs :4STroke:
I saw the dyno with one sled being dyno'd to 138, stock...10 HP out of a an already well-tuned 4-stroke? 2-strokes is easy to get hp out of....I've had 200+ hp 2-strokes, but a 4-stroke is REALLY different...I looked for improvements a long time for these, but the cost to get the hp, exceeds the cost of just putting on a turbo that gets you 230+hp...

Kudos to whoever wants to N/A tune these sleds, and is able to get hp out of them....without guys going new ways, we'd still ride 2-strokes....Hope to see real world improvements this coming winter on some N/A tuned sleds, but the fact is still, $ for$ you cannot beat a turbo...And...even if you can get 22 hp out of it, I'll still have 110 more hp.... :Rockon:

I've got the RB3 box and can't wait to get to play with it... But this will be on a turbo'd application.... Maybe I need to find someone with a stocker to play with... We've tried alot of different stuff, but most of the time, it gives you one sled lenght on a quarter mile run...good for you if you only dragrace, but you CANNOT feel it while riding....
I checked out Fundy a while ago...And posted some stuff on this forum asking about them...got lots of pm's telling me their claims was way of...don't have any first hand experience with them, as I stayed away when people that had used the said their work wasn't good at all, but who knows...I'm not saying you can't get 160 hp with cams/headwork, pipe, and fuel controller, but at what cost?
Up here a turbo to get 230 HP would cost you about $10000 on top of the sled cost so your looking at like $21000 at least for a sled that will only get used 6 or so times a year because that is now a sled that just ain't for riding around here, its for mountains. Now take my buddies sled, and the one im building, you add the fuel accelerator, clutch kit, full exhaust, k&N intake kit and a port and polish and your sitting at about $13500, and now you got a 160 to 165 HP sled that you can still ride everywhere but still is only raw power. Now throw a NOS kit( $800 Installed ) on and with boost you could be pulling 185 HP, Now thats not bad for $14500 give or take. So now you say you'll have 110 HP more for dollar to dollar So that means your saying you can pull 275 HP - 295HP for $15000, id luv to see it, maybe your just special I don't know. :o| :moon: [/quote]
I'm not sure where you are located, but a turbokit that runs 10grand? What kit is that? Powderlites Stage2 is now priced at $6000CAD...That's a whole of alot less then $10,000, for 270 hp...

Why can't you use a turbosled anywhere but the mountains?

I'm not sure either what you are paying for your sleds, but are you saying you get those upgrades AND a sled for $13500?

Get a used Nytro (Around $8000) a Turbo (6000), and you're at $14000... So, 500 more....ok...I was wrong, you can get 100hp more for $500 more...and, with the Powderlites kit, it just runs and runs every day....

Nos is ok, but it only lasts for Approx 3 minutes when on the button...When you're out, you don't have the HP anymore...Turbo is there all day, every day....
I live in Alberta, Canada, up here a used Nytro MTX is gonna run a person around $10000, a powderlite stage two is gonna run approx $7000, and unless a guy has a shop and alot of know how and has the tools to do it you have to spend $100 an hour on shop labour to get it installed, by the time it's all said and done shes a $10000 touch at least (they have installed over ten turbos here at our yamaha dealership and they all run approx. $10000 installed). Also I'm 4 hours from any mountain riding, taking a 270 Hp sled for a rip on a foot and a half to two feet of snow with a 153 inch X 2.25 inch track is just asking for repairs on the regular. I can buy the Power up kit (full exhaust, intake, clutch kit, and fuel accelerator) for $1500. Then a $1000 for port and polish and 5 hours labour to install all the parts once shes ported and polished and your at $13000 on a used nytro. That will run 165 Hp all day and i can ride it here, the mountains, anywhere. A 270 Hp turbo'd Nytro MTX just isn't practical for everyone, but a 165 Hp Nytro MTX is, and at $7000 less who can complain.
well, you wouldn't need a MTX to put a turbo on it, but to each his own....

Short tracks runs fine with a turbo, and unless you would need one without a turbo, you shouldn't be buying one with a turbo...

So a shop takes 3 grand to install a turbo up there? How's the house market, because I could see myself getting rich just installing turbo's....

but, let's still do some math here just to make the discussion going....

165-135 (let's say Nytro's averege 135hp) = 30 hp.

$3000/30hp = $100 pr hp

270-135 = 135
$10000/135 = $74 pr hp....

That would say you STILL pay $26 more N/A turning PER hp than you do with a turbo....

so if you would pay the same for turbohp that you do for N/A hp, you'd spend $100*135hp=$13500 for the turbokit installed....$3500 more than you have to pay today....
It may be in the end cheaper per HP, but when you don't need the power all the time and alls you need is around the 160 mark and your happy with that than why spend the extra. Its like buying stuff in bulk, why would you buy a box of apples when alls you want is a few. And yes a guy does need an MTX in these parts, when a guy does go on his 5-6 trips a year to the mountains it starts to get pretty hard to get around when you got 25 feet of snow base and 2 feet of fresh on top. Valemount gets 40-50 feet of snowfall a year depending on area, revelstoke gets 60 feet a year, powderking gets 60 feet a year (all in British Columbia). A guy cant ride there and do what he wants up in the alpine with a short track, hell even a 144 X 2 inch aint enough. I mean if a guy has a want for turbo power then have at her, but if a guy doesn;t why pay for it when you have other options. Eventually I'd like to have a sled for home, and then have the second for mountains only, turbo'd up etc. but thats easier said than done.
well, I can't tell you what you need and don't need... I don't need 270 hp at all. but just like all of my toys, and all the sports I doo, I like to get as much out of it as possible....If you're happy with your 165 hp, good for you. I know I wouldn't....

This turned into a turbo vs N/A thread, but I think what I was trying to say in the beginning, I do not think you get 160+ hp out of the Nytro without ported head, and alot more work.... Not with bolt-on accesories anyway....
well we got 165 for $3000 with bolt on parts and minor engine work, so you can start believing it. And i never said turbos werent the way to go, they are just in some cases unnessecary
