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2 inch warrior


Dec 24, 2004
Rigolet, LB
I'm thinking about putting a 2 inch challenger track on my 04 warrior i was just wondering if anyone else has done this. i think i might have to gear her down to 8 tooth driver and cut out the tunnel protectors to make it fit. what do you guys think, or what have you done?

No downsides to cutting out tunnel protectors. They're strictly for studs ONLY. The main downside to KEEPING them (aside from your track not fitting) is that they hold in a LOT of ice. Remove the tunnel protectors and you won't have any ice buildup in the tunnel anymore.
just removing the tunnel protectors should give enough clearance, but you must also remove them from the front heat exchanger as well. for more clearance, the 8 tooth drivers are the ticket.
when you guys put 8 tooth drivers with this size of track ,do you gear up to make up for the 8 tooth drivers.i was told 8 tooth drivers are like gearing down two teeth on top.i just installed 136 rail extensions on mine with the hartman tunnel extensions and the camoplast finger track that is cut down to 1 and 3/4.this is on a 04 turbo rx1.let me know.thanks.

I think going to an 8 tooth driver will gear the sled up because the driveshaft sprockets are smaller, thus making the sled go faster.

If anybody wants to change there drivers to 8 tooth, I have a complete driveshaft off an RX-1 mountain that I'd sell for $75. The mountain's came with 8 tooth drivers from the factory.
it will go slower with 8 tooth drivers, not faster. you can compensate with a larger top sprocket, eg. 25 or 26, or a smaller bottom sprocket, eg. 37.
