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2 Up Seat Question


Sep 10, 2003
Muskoka/Toronto, Ontario
How long does it take to put the 2 Up seat on and off? Do all 137 and 141 have the right rear bumper for the install? I would only get Vipers with Non-Float shocks.


I believe only the stx dx comes with the bumper already installed but you can buy the heavy duty bumper and install it on any model. Not sure about how long it takes to put on and take off but was told it was less that 5 min
As stated above, the STX DX is the only model that comes standard with the accessory bumper. If the 2-up seat is anything like the tunnel rack then it should be able to be removed and installed in 5-10 minutes.
I have the two up seat on mine, it is only 4 small bolts to take out. Maybe 5 minutes but wife said seat is very comfy
the most time is removig the old bomper about a hour then fasten the new bumper and the seat on and off five min I do mine with quick pins......
Boy big fingers suck
Putting the Heavy Duty bumper is a job, about 30 rivets, 4 are Industrial steel and difficult to drill out. If you can afford to have the dealer put the bumper on or expect to spend 1/2 a day changing. Not sure what tooling is required to install HDuty rivets. Dealer put my wife's on as we were out of town the end of November when sled was delivered to the dealer. Of course wanted it ready to ride when we got home.
