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2005 RX1 Mono Shock Suspension Durability Results

Thanks for the explanation. I wish you would have looked for the alternatives before you spent that much on the junk wheels.

I've got an Apex on the way. I hope they resolve these issues.

Scooby said:
The lack of suspension durability is the reason most of the old farts are cancelling their 06's and are going with the Polaris turbo. After evaluating the 06's we feel they have not addressed the problem to our satisfaction.

The sleds are bullet proof except for the rear suspension and the front A arms. We all had rail failures and H arms break multipal times. Several of us had A arms failures. Yamaha said they have excess mileage on them there for it is a normal wear item. Others with lower mileage were not under warranty because they had been welded during bagger trips or when replacement parts were not available in a timely manner.

Typically the problems began at 2000 miles. Mine has 9473 miles and both the rails and H arms need replacement for the third time.

What happens to the rails that they need to be replaced?
looks like i'm not the only one

both mine and my bro's have worn out bushings front and rear suspension and broke w arms, mine also got the old ra cable breakage and the last one took out the track. thank god for a extended warranty. i refuse to fix a problem that YAMAHA engineers say doesn't exist, instead i'll let them foot the bill for the next four more seasons and a couple more grand in parts. only then will I put in some bronze oilite bushings in
Just started summerizing my '05 RX-1 and noticed the slide rail is cracked. Just like the pictures in the link above. :o| I do all groomed trial riding and never hit or jumped anything. Good thing that I just purchased YES warranty. Hopefully Yamaha provides us with a fix.
I just got back from my last trip of the season. You guys make me really want to get that skid out and over to my machine shop buddy, but I'm busy at work right now so it will have to wait a week or two. I did look it over before I left and the bogies seemed fine but I did rip out the RA cable on the prior trip. Had the updated bracket and boot installed and 900 miles later it's been fine. 2800 miles on the skid...I am curious what I find. I did remember seeing some cord on the edge of the track when I rinsed off the sled at the car wash after I got back...but that has been pretty normal for most of the sleds I have owned. After about 5000 miles you can't ask for much more out of a track and suspension if you ride even half way hard. Nobody ever said this was a cheap sport. This is just part of maintence. I rebuild my shocks at 2500 miles and replace every bearing in the sled at 5000 (if I decide to keep it or we have a good season) it has seemed to do me well. No breakdowns. I did buy the YES because I got such a great deal on the sled buying it right in the heart of the season...but I think it's a waste to be honest. These things are built pretty well IMO and I don't see us having any MAJOR issues with them. Especially in the drive train.
I think if you take the skid to a decent machine shop and have some better bushings made along with installing some zerks the skid should live a bit longer withot having to replace things like bushings as often.
For the record my 05 RX-1 is waiting for the front pivot arm, cable/boot, 3 idlers replaced, bushings, and now will need new slide rails and idler with the post.
After looking at those mid inside idlers you can see that there is rotational force being place on the rails . The pro action skid had an axle connecting both rails together.
3900 miles
Re: looks like i'm not the only one

700SCOTT said:
both mine and my bro's have worn out bushings front and rear suspension and broke w arms, mine also got the old ra cable breakage and the last one took out the track. thank god for a extended warranty. i refuse to fix a problem that YAMAHA engineers say doesn't exist, instead i'll let them foot the bill for the next four more seasons and a couple more grand in parts. only then will I put in some bronze oilite bushings in

My track too was severly damaged when the last w-arm failed. Yamaha has agreed to fix the suspension up, but refuses to do anything about the track. They state there is no warranty on tracks regardless of what caused the damage.

The lug tips on my track were wearing down quite a bit and a few were torn prior to the failure (9000 kms) so I didn't even try to get them to pay for it fully - I was just asking them to cover 1/2 the price of the track. I figure my track had many, many kms left in it before the failed w-arm took it out.

I was lucky that my dealer had a w-arm I was able to have and was able to get me out riding again after only 2 1/2 weeks in the shop.

On my first ride after getting the sled back (last week), a slide for some bizare reason came loose (screw that holds it on suffered from a fatigue failure - probably because the rail tip was rattling) and distroyed the slide and did a bunch of extra damage (ground down a slide rail, polished the paint of the rear suspension arm, damaged a few track clips). Also when I pulled the skid out I discovered the RA cable and boot were shot again. This time the RA ice shield had fallen off (another fatigue failure - it cracked through the 90° bend in the thin sheetmetal).

I paid for new slides and my dealer fixed up the RA. I went for one ride yesterday. Unfortunately idler wheels are back ordered so I had to go with the bad bearings. Anyway - 1/2 way through the ride a couple of idlers seized up, one fell right off (ball bearings fell out - my buddy following "caught" the wheel so I have it). Those new slides that were installed Friday are now about 85% shot where the middle idlers were.

Also, just to be able to go I ended up buying a used pair of brake pads (from a fellow TY'er - greatly appreciated) because none can be found up here (05 brake pads are back ordered).

I'm not impressed.

Another thing that really pisses me off is Yamaha still insists I'm the only one in Canada with 05 suspension problems every time I talk to customer service. I had been keeping things relatively quiet (like Scooby and many others) but this too much. I personally have met or spoken to at least 6 others while riding or on the phone with broken w-arms and slide rails.
Scooby said:
The sleds are bullet proof except for the rear suspension and the front A arms. We all had rail failures and H arms break multipal times. Several of us had A arms failures.


Could you elaborate on the a-arm failures? I really don't want to have something in my steering fail at speed on a twisty trail.

I inspected mine and other than having about 3/4" of slop at the ski (in and out) due to completely shot bushings (no factory grease and no reasonable way to grease them), the arms look ok.

Where are they failing?

Also, which arms do you consider H-arms?
zoomzoom said:
I snow checked a Apex but after listening to you guys I'm really concerned of my decision.
They will have them fixed for 06 I would not worry. Grease fittings is the key here they really screwed up by not installing the zerts in the 05 but they will have them for 06.
