I got the sled with a code 12 so I changed out the stator and the crank position sensor. When I put it back together the sled would not spark so I changed the gas and plugs and got it to spark. Would run for about 5 seconds then throw the code 12 again. You can mess with the sled till the code 12 goes away the it will fire up for about seconds then throw it again.
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sounds like you have a bad connection in one of the plugs for the stator or ecu. have you tried pushing each wire in while it is connected in all the connectors? seen them walk out a few times and cause issues.
Yeah when you mess with the main wiring harness you can get it to go away and sometimes some other codes will pop up
Just wanted to get some opinions before I changed the wiring harness
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Was it a factory stator and pickup coil or did you wire in an aftermarket?
No I got the new stator and pickup coil as one unit so I didn’t have to wire it inWas it a factory stator and pickup coil or did you wire in an aftermarket?
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OEM or aftermarket?No I got the new stator and pickup coil as one unit so I didn’t have to wire it in
I believe it was a spi
OEM or aftermarket?
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Sometimes I have seen pick up coils be polarity sensitive, so you would have to reverse the two wires at the plug.I believe it was a spi
However, in this case it sounds like there is in fact a problem in the harness.
I recently had a phazer here and if I recall correctly one of those wires was starting to rub through in an area above the throttle bodies towards the clutch side.
Keep inspecting the harness thoroughly.
well I heard about the polarity thing but I haven’t tried it yet because it will start sometimes for like 5 secondsSometimes I have seen pick up coils be polarity sensitive, so you would have to reverse the two wires at the plug.
However, in this case it sounds like there is in fact a problem in the harness.
I recently had a phazer here and if I recall correctly one of those wires was starting to rub through in an area above the throttle bodies towards the clutch side.
Keep inspecting the harness thoroughly.
Dave hache
100 percent the wires just happened to me and took new stator outOk
well I heard about the polarity thing but I haven’t tried it yet because it will start sometimes for like 5 seconds
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