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2008 or Newer Suspension Setup


Jul 10, 2009
Reaction score
Looking to get the suspension dialed in for cornering and bumps. Don't care so much about flat out drag type racing just want fast corners and ability to ride the whoops without hurting me or the sled.

Inside ski wants to come up mid-corner. First ride on the sled a week ago so am trying to adjust riding style. Lots of traction on that ride due to limited amount of snow. Also new 144 studs and dualie carbides.

Just looking for advice to get me headed the right direction with the setup. Got to keep up with my buddy on his new REV! I know should have gone Nytro, Vector may become wifes sled! Am loving the Vector, first 4 stroke, and a huge move up from the old sled.

Thanks guys.
Welcome, and I hope you and/or wife enjoy your new sled. Others probably have more advice to share than I can, but here's what has worked on my '06. I know it's not an '08 or newer, but I think the chassis is similar enough that it will apply.

First, get the spring preload set for your weight and riding style, both front and rear. Then experiment with damping until you're happy with the performance in the bumps. On my '06, I need the shock clip in the second position and the adjusting collar in position 4 for my 210lb weight to avoid frequent bottoming. I added about 10mm more preload to the front shock springs. 4 clicks harder on the RA reduced the rebound on the Mono just enough. You don't want too much rebound damping or the suspension won't be ready for the next bump. I increased rebound and compression damping a couple clicks each from the center position on the front shocks

Adjusting the transfer rod for less transfer helped mine corner better on the trails with less inside ski lift. It also gave me more track spin but you shouldn't have that problem with studs. I recently installed 4.5" Deuce bars on the skis. I returned the transfer rod to the stock position (near max) and only have about 100 miles with the new runners. I wanted to see if the Deuce bars would give me the cornering bite I wanted without the reduced transfer. So far, so good.
Thanks, very helpful. Great area you are in. I have a place in Kalkaska. Love the Alanson (sp?) to Cross Village trail near you.
