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2008 phazer gt Fuel pump not powering


Feb 18, 2009
Reaction score
st.anthony newfoundland
Hey, anyone have issues with a phazer fuel pump not powering up when turning the key to on postion. But powers up when the key is all the way to start. ? Can't see it being a relay if it kicks in when All the way to the right when the spring in ignition puts the key back to run potion the pumps stops again
your ignition switch might be bad in the run position. i have seen it happen a few times.
just had this issue yesterday on a venture MP that I picked up. Did you change your Starter Solenoid/Relay lately? The Positive cable from the battery has to go on the side with the flat washer like tab. If you have them on the wrong side, you won't get power to fuel pump when key is turned on as the tab doesn't have power to it from the battery. Likely that you have the cable going to the starter on this terminal. Not sure why Yamaha did this, but they supply starter relays that are identical except the tab for fuel inject system can be on different sides of the relay.
I noticed afterward that I did have a ground issue as well. It was in the small, black, 6 wire plug that is taped to the main wiring harness coming from the ECU. It is right behind the oil tank. I don't think it cause my fuel pump to not cut in but it wouldn't give any spark. I might be wrong though so best to check both. Maybe the plug was grounding good after I moved the relay around a bit when switching the terminals. later when I was putting everything back together I got a no spark issue. I had to take steel connecter pins/prong out of the plug, clean them, and give them a little twist to make sure they were getting good contact. had spark right away. this is a machine that I just bought from a dealer cause they couldn't get it to start and didn't have time to troubleshoot. I haven't run it yet other than on a stand in the shed so I may have other issues when I finally get to use it. There was snow on my truck this morning in Corner Brook so hopefully I will find out soon enough.
