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2009 XTX vs 2009 Crossfire 800R

HRD2PLZ said:
SledFreak said:
Also what does he have for traction and what do you have? Track and/or studs?

His sled is completely stock save an MBRP can. probably has a 1 1/2 or 1 3/4 track, not studded. Mine, studded stock ripsaw (1 1/4 i think). And I only have the Barkers slipon.

He's also about 60lbs skinnier than me.

The weights not helping you, but he killing you in traction.....If he did not change the track, then he probbaly has a stock cobra track on it, which works really good in loose snow. The stock ripsaw sucks in soft snow conditions, it's onlt good for trail riding. What type of riding do you do? Trail or off trail or ditches and fields?

I had the same experiance. I raced a 2010 CF800, 2008 CF800 and a 2004 F7, I ran pretty much even with the 2010 CF800 out of the hole but beat the 2008 and F7 out of hole. At 1000ft they all were pulling ahead of me and pissed me off royaly. Called Ulmer and picked up a Trail Performer package 6 with all the goodies except the plastic for the can. Now I beat them all out of the hole and at the 1000ft mark.
Raced a Doo 800R last week with quite a few mods and he beat me out of the hole and at 1000ft and beyond.
Pick up the Ulmer clutch kit and be happy with your new aquired speed!!! :jump:
Easy Rider said:
arteeex said:
Wait a minute...you took a bath with the Arctic Cat guy? That's messed up.

Just a bunch of guys having a bath together is really messed up...period! :drink: :moon:

they said my back would feel better after it, kept handing me beer too!
Don't pick a fight you have no hope in winning. Don't expect to beat an 800r with a nytro. Your sled is 100lbs heavier and is down at least 10-15 HP stock. Like I've been saying all along, your going to have to spend some serious coin to beat one of those suckers! My advise is to race on a cold day after filling up with some marginal fuel and tow him home.LOL
get him on a long lake hold her wot and dont let off untill the x fire blows a belt, one guy even brought his new 800 cfr back and told them to keep the piece of s@#$ in 1000 miles it cost him 6 drive belts at 206 a pop and ac told another friend they do not have a belt issue his x fire 1000 cant keep belts on at high speed
yamahabandit said:
Don't pick a fight you have no hope in winning. Don't expect to beat an 800r with a nytro. Your sled is 100lbs heavier and is down at least 10-15 HP stock. Like I've been saying all along, your going to have to spend some serious coin to beat one of those suckers! My advise is to race on a cold day after filling up with some marginal fuel and tow him home.LOL

Would you say the same about and 07 F1000?

Cuz....Ummm....all things considered, I wouldn't expect to beat an F1000 either (162hp and a little lighter) but.....he wants to ride my sled to see why he can't go by me until around 90mph.

As I posted earlier, I don't need to be the fastest. Just want to be competitive....this is all just for fun. I am relatively happy with this sled, just didn't expect that much from that 800.
He can get buy you, but he needs to do some work to the F1000.
