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2012 Apex XTX 1st Ride Review and Exhaust Noise Question


Nov 13, 2011
Kingston NH
Not a regular here but respect the many years of obvious experience on this site.

Snow finally arrived to northern NH. This Friday night/Saturday I took a 180 mile maiden voyage on my black XTX in falling snow and below zero temps along the Canadian border on windy mountain trails. Although not totally impressed, I really only have one complaint.

This is my first 4-stroke and the tightest and hardest to unwind new sled out of the 5 new machines I've bought in the last 15 years. Mile by mile the engine seemed to loosen up and ask for more. I tried to baby it, keeping it under 6000-7000, which wasn't difficult in the trails/conditions.

Mod's - Nothing crazy yet on this sled but the low snow wheel kit, skid plate, single Slidekick, mirrors and handguards all stayed tight and worked well. No noticeable hi-fax wear or burning plastic smell.

Starting - starting cold, it took 4 tries in minus -4 Fahrenheit temps but it otherwise ran fine...except for semi-hard starting shortly after one long 40 mile run.

Suspension - started with the stock set-up and it didn't actually "ride on rails" like some of the biased You Tube demo reviews. The front travel is a tad too stiff for me, the ski tracking is nothing special (needs something) but the rear handled the bumps very well...although still a bit stiff (220 lbs dressed). I will adjust.

Steering - yeah, it's a cool feature but nothing crazy, I was still the usual bit sore after a 140 mile romp on Saturday. Spending much of my time above 35 mph, it wasn't a huge help.

Exhaust Noise- ok, here's my complaint and here's my question.
Under 6000 rpm's, driving this thing, it sounds like a constant droning buzzing whine !....not a hi-tech smooth running engine. If it's the EXUP....lose that or redesign the flapper timing if that's causing it. It's absolutely obnoxious and not something I'm looking forward to listening to for the next 10,000 miles. Will it go away as it's broken in ? Is it (EXUP) adjustable ? Could there be a problem ? Do I need an ipod, earplugs or both ? Should I really need them on a 13-14K sled ? I've only seen one other complaint on this forum about it and the guy was going to turn up his ipod. Not cool and not my solution. Trading it in however might be. If I heard this noise before I bought it, I would have gotten something else. Any similiar issues out there ?

Overall - - I'm slightly disappointed. It was a lot of money and I thought I'd be blown away by this machine and I wasn't. It's quite possibly not the right machine for the sometimes challenging 30-50 mph curvy-hilly-narrow-wide-narrow trail riding I do. On the lakes, I can't wait to pull from 60-100 mph on this thing but that's not the majority of riding that I...or probably most people do.

Thanks for any input and for participating in a great site.


exup may need to be adjusted, personally have not ridden that particular sled so i cant give you any input on the "drone"
I have heard of a noise from the EXUP on the 12's, not on mine but I have heard that it has come up. Maybe your EXUP cables are loose? Adjustment for the EXUP was just covered in here, do a search and check it. I did two this last week and it was not that bad to do, 1/2 hr to 45 min job.
kingstonnh said:
Not a regular here but respect the many years of obvious experience on this site.

Snow finally arrived to northern NH. This Friday night/Saturday I took a 180 mile maiden voyage on my black XTX in falling snow and below zero temps along the Canadian border on windy mountain trails. Although not totally impressed, I really only have one complaint.

This is my first 4-stroke and the tightest and hardest to unwind new sled out of the 5 new machines I've bought in the last 15 years. Mile by mile the engine seemed to loosen up and ask for more. I tried to baby it, keeping it under 6000-7000, which wasn't difficult in the trails/conditions.

Mod's - Nothing crazy yet on this sled but the low snow wheel kit, skid plate, single Slidekick, mirrors and handguards all stayed tight and worked well. No noticeable hi-fax wear or burning plastic smell.

Starting - starting cold, it took 4 tries in minus -4 Fahrenheit temps but it otherwise ran fine...except for semi-hard starting shortly after one long 40 mile run.

Suspension - started with the stock set-up and it didn't actually "ride on rails" like some of the biased You Tube demo reviews. The front travel is a tad too stiff for me, the ski tracking is nothing special (needs something) but the rear handled the bumps very well...although still a bit stiff (220 lbs dressed). I will adjust.

Steering - yeah, it's a cool feature but nothing crazy, I was still the usual bit sore after a 140 mile romp on Saturday. Spending much of my time above 35 mph, it wasn't a huge help.

Exhaust Noise- ok, here's my complaint and here's my question.
Under 6000 rpm's, driving this thing, it sounds like a constant droning buzzing whine !....not a hi-tech smooth running engine. If it's the EXUP....lose that or redesign the flapper timing if that's causing it. It's absolutely obnoxious and not something I'm looking forward to listening to for the next 10,000 miles. Will it go away as it's broken in ? Is it (EXUP) adjustable ? Could there be a problem ? Do I need an ipod, earplugs or both ? Should I really need them on a 13-14K sled ? I've only seen one other complaint on this forum about it and the guy was going to turn up his ipod. Not cool and not my solution. Trading it in however might be. If I heard this noise before I bought it, I would have gotten something else. Any similiar issues out there ?

Overall - - I'm slightly disappointed. It was a lot of money and I thought I'd be blown away by this machine and I wasn't. It's quite possibly not the right machine for the sometimes challenging 30-50 mph curvy-hilly-narrow-wide-narrow trail riding I do. On the lakes, I can't wait to pull from 60-100 mph on this thing but that's not the majority of riding that I...or probably most people do.

Thanks for any input and for participating in a great site.

I have a 2011 with the exup and it does have the drone you talk about I try not to run it at those rpms yes it is annoying. but I can live with it. With your description sounds like you bought the wrong sled for you but it works awesome for me.
All Apexes I have owned have had a drone at lower rpm, get used to it, there is no cure. I try to vary my speed and it helps eliminate most of it.

I have a 2011 XTX and it is by far the best trail sled I have ever owned and I've been riding a long time.

The Apex is not a tight and twisty trail sled although it can perform adequately but requires lots of muscle. The Apex shines in more open long winding trails so your right . . . . . this sled may not be for you.
My wifes 05 rx1 had it and it went away I believe what your hearing is from the combinaltion of the track and the engine getting harmonised if you will. It drove us both crazy for awhile then it just disapeared and has not returned since.
Thanks everyone for the responses on the APEX exhaust drone. It sounds like something I'll just have to get used to and not a tuneable thing that can be adjusted by messing with the EXUP. It is a head turner and once it's broken in, suspension is adjusted and I'm used to the performance, I'll be happier and hard to keep up with.

One thing I didn't mention in my mini-review were the hand warmers. Yes, it appears Yamaha finally figured this out because it will burn your hands off cranking through the woods with them set on high.

Have a good winter.
I also just "broke-in" my clone of your sled yesterday. 2012 black XTX Apex. I was in the Oxbow, NY area and it was cold. It was 2F when I left my trailer and 2F when I got back. I had no start issues, but I do have a PCV/air lid from Ulmers which is supposed to help w/ the starting issues(PCV is anyways, air lid...well you know). I had a grin on my face the whole time driving it. Coming off a 136" piped Viper. I thought the suspension was great. The power...more than happy with it, the ease that it will pull the skis up is amazing for as heavy a sled it is. I'm 230lbs dressed out, and have not touched the suspension settings. I'm not going to be complaining. As far as the exhause noise, I must admit that I believe I was above the 6000rpm range most of my journey, enjoying my sled and my first ride of the season.
Good luck w/ yours.
An engine should be run at varying rpms with a good load placed on it with acceleration/deceleration cycles where it reaches full speed but only for five to ten seconds at a time to seat the rings properly. Babying them at part throttle can result in oil burning engines.
4x4 said:
An engine should be run at varying rpms with a good load placed on it with acceleration/deceleration cycles where it reaches full speed but only for five to ten seconds at a time to seat the rings properly. Babying them at part throttle can result in oil burning engines.

What he said ;)!
I remember there used to be a lot of complaints back in 2007 about the mysterious drone on the 4 cyl. Apex when they had next to no miles on them. I am quite sure my drone disappeared around one thousand miles, so there is hope.
Kingstonnh, welcome to TY. I think you'll like the sled much more when broken in. My 11 SE has the same drone, much worse now that I have the tall windshield installed. No where near as bad with the stock shield. I just try to stay away from that RPM, easy to do on bigger trails, not so easy on tight twisty beat up trails. Good Luck! ;)!
This is the typical life of a yammie rider. The first ride your expecting the world and its always a disappointment. I hated my first 4 stroke. The more miles I put on change my riding style a little, started with basic mods and well it went from there. I cannot ride anything else at all, its really discouraging that I got hooked on a $15k sled, I would rather walk then ride a 600 now.

I also encourage you to make adjustments througth the full range of adjustments the sled offers you, I set everything to full soft, then full hard, then back it down to where I feel its perfect.

Keep using the adjustments and get it to where your comfortable. That and some small mods like sway bar, good carbides, etc. will keep you on that sled.

After a day of riding your apex swap with a new rev if you have any in your group, its amazing the difference. I felt the XP's are to easy to drive and with no oomph they are boring to me. (used to a 250 hp apex).

Good luck!
Starting. 4 or 5 try's cold when sled new before it stays going is normal on the 2011's. Not sure about the 12's.Two to 3 trys once it gets broken in. Occasionally one in the summer time.

It will not be broken in until about 1500 miles. It will keep getting stronger every time you go out,

Do not baby it on break-in. Needs hard acceleration by times. Vary the throttle a lot.

Play with your suspension, runners and limiter strap. You will get it where you love it eventually.

I hated my 2011 SE vs my 06 Apex GT the first weekend. Love it now.
Thanks everyone who has replied for the positive responses and advice. There's something in each reply I can use to help get this sled dialed in, live with the drone, love the ride and some good do's and don'ts for suspension and break in. The suspension adjustments will take some research on this site and others to help me figure out what the hell I'm doing...and if it's actually helping or hurting. There seems to be a wide variety of what people are adjusting or adding...from the limiter strap to adding a sway bar....but it does seem like it could handle better.

As far as break in, maybe "babying it" on the first ride wasn't the correct term, I completely understand about setting the rings but was just rarely able to get it up over 7000 RPM's in the conditions and the traffic. I did constantly vary the throttle but only punched it once in awhile and only for a short time....I tried to keep the books break-in advice in my head for at least the first ride. I'll get on it a lot more going out my back door in the fields around the house.

But thinking about it later, I may have been a bit gun shy by the touchy power in that throttle...or maybe it was 20 minutes into the ride and a Polaris 2-up comes over the hill, in my lane, sees me, cuts the wheel, hits the brake, rolls it on it's side and slides down the trail stopping 8 inches from the side of my brand new sled. He heard some creative new word combinations after that but it kept me on my guard all day. It was like a bunch of highway drivers dealing with the first snowstorm of the new year and everyone forgot the rules of the road.

Thanks again for the advice, I'm sure I'll be back for more.
