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375 HP Yamaha RX1 Turbo!!!


I was told that Mc Express was going to do this design first but wanted to get the Turbo closer to the motor. Bender does seem to make more power then the others and it could be due to Header design "strait header".

The 375 can be made but you'll lose 65 percent through the drive line co it's a waste!!!!!!!!!
ok ok ok, the kit is a prototype and it does make 375hp but that is with injection and a whole bunch of other mods :twisted:
the guy who has developed the kit has been making turbokits for bikes the past 20 years he is a LEGEND here in scandinavia so SHUT THE F.... UP
we should all be happy that there are people like that around

MR srxkhsdfksadhfo something go to amsnow with that kind of behavior :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Hey, at least they put there waste gate controller in the same compartment and didnt stick it half way out the back of the sled, That just looks like crap and dont tell me that its not going to freeze up back there, once the snow starts sticking to it its just going to become one big ball of ice, Im still not convinced that sucking up all that snow dust from the back of the sled isnt going cause problems, Just look at what happens to your back and the back of the sled after an hour of cold day riding!
another thing, Mc express have one of the best designs out there so if they need more space for a larger turbo why not put a secondary fuel tank back there and take the needed room upfront. to close to the exhaust you say? shield it. every doo ever built up until about 1980 or so had the fuel tank in the front of the sled and the pipe ran right over top of it, just my 2 cents
that was all a waste of typing, Whos going to want a 375 hp trail sled anyway, our turbo machz race sled has a brigsnstratton 1 gallon can lasts 2 1/4 mile runs, thats all ya need .lighter and less space
SrXxTrEeM said:
why dont you say its a bender clone
and we cant read that crap....
worse then my english spelling
and 375 hp lmfao . come on man lets stop the bullshit have you even sat and think what a track will do at over 300hp. man shure it sounds nice to sell products but why bullshit guys about power they will never be able to put to the ground.. hell if thats the case i will start making turbos too and they will produce 700 hp i will just use turbos off my 600 cats deisel motor
hell you can even sit on the top of this one if you like. keep your hemroids warm

totally uncalled for, the poor guy probably read the article and decided he had to share the info with the rest of the world did a search for rx1 found this site took the time to register.wrote as best he could in english what he read and you crap on him. does it matter that he did not do search for other turbo threads no almost nobody does. so get off your high horse spammer :twisted: :twisted:
Two days ago Bender launched his stage 3 turbo ,pulling 356 hp at 21 psi.
Was it on a thread here? Whatever... It was at Jim "Dynotech"Czekala.
xtreem didnt puke on that. :roll:
hardcore said:
SrXxTrEeM said:
why dont you say its a bender clone
and we cant read that crap....
worse then my english spelling
and 375 hp lmfao . come on man lets stop the bullshit have you even sat and think what a track will do at over 300hp. man shure it sounds nice to sell products but why bullshit guys about power they will never be able to put to the ground.. hell if thats the case i will start making turbos too and they will produce 700 hp i will just use turbos off my 600 cats deisel motor
hell you can even sit on the top of this one if you like. keep your hemroids warm

totally uncalled for, the poor guy probably read the article and decided he had to share the info with the rest of the world did a search for rx1 found this site took the time to register.wrote as best he could in english what he read and you crap on him. does it matter that he did not do search for other turbo threads no almost nobody does. so get off your high horse spammer :twisted: :twisted:

Hardcore actually skoteridioten is an old member from the first forum last year b4 it crashed. I remember him posting the translation of his user name. It tranlates to snowmobile idiot or something to that effect. But I do agree that SrX was rough on him. I have seen 350 + hp sleds in Cooke City. They were filming for Mountain Mod Mania and are strictly point and shoot steep climbers. If you can get 700+ outa the 2 litre rice cars with N2O, turbos etc...... Why not 350+ out of a 1 litre sled motor with the same typr of speed accessories?
Det lite krångliga och onödigt dyra turbokittet till RX-1 har nu fått sin uppföljare. Mc-Xpress i Piteå
har efter lite funderande placerat turbon längst bak och då kunnat använda original grenrörö samt
tank. Erik Marklunds privata RX-1 har numera detta kit som i det lite vildare utförandet ger 375
kusar. Stålfoder och modifierad insprutning, hör till några av trixen man förutom turboiseringen
har pysslat med. Provkörning och upplevelserapport inom kort från Affe.
OK I´ll translate this "crap"(happens to be swedish,MY native language ).

"The slightly troublesome and a bit expensive turbokit for RX-1 has now got a continuation.MC-X in Piteå have,after some thinking,placed the turbo
in the rear and been able to use stock headers and fueltank.
Erik Marklunds (owner and manufacturer) personally RX-1 has now this kit
wich in its wilder mode gives 375 hp.
Some of the tricks are steelsleeves and a modified efi.
A testdrive and experience report will be in shortly by affe (co worker)."

I think this is understandable for allmost everyone :wink:
