4" high density foam added to seat with (NEW) pics

I must agree with ya i added these mods this summer and actually love my rX-1 now

I added a boss seat what a improvement AWESOME Ohlins shocks and springs,arctic cat snopro bars and a 6-inch riser with grips,a ripsaw,MPI exhaust,USI ski`s and this sled is awesome now i really enjoy rideing it.The only things left i really want are ExpertX and ECP kit
Stupid question, but would one use a electric knife similar to one used to carve a turkey to cut the foam?

otis said:
Well I finally bite the bullet and installed 4" of high density foam padding to my 03 seat and could not be happier. It is the foam from Joann's craft stores. I copied the Apex shape right from the dealer and when it was all done it looks exactly like the apex seat!!! The process has been described before, but I wanted to add some pics of the foam cuts and the after shots.


Hey Otis, I talked to the lady at Joann's in my area and she said the "Ultra Foam" comes in medium and firm. She reccomended the medium. What's your feedback?
I did the seat mod on my sled, i went to a local auto upholstery place and got a 4" chunk of foam from them. 24"x40", $20
Definately high density. I used the medium which helped, but the higher and softer the better.

Did any of you have to trim the tank cowl to get the seat to fit? Raising the seat that much looks like it would not fit under cowl edge??
So would I gain anything from this seat mod on an 05 RX-1? The seat feels nice but I want to raise it.
So If I was to cut the foam close to pics would that be close enough? Thanks alot

I used an electric stapler. A pneumatic would probably work as well too, just need to find the right short staples for it.
Just took mine apart and noticed those stapes are short! and It's hard to believe the seat cover is going to fit back on with the added 4 " foam padding. Also cant believe how much that seat weighs (of course mine does seem to have some moisture in it) When you guys got up to the fuel tank how did you trim the 4 " foam? Just leave the edge square? shape to the seat curve ?, or taper it down so it slopes back under the lip?
If I use the Power mad pivot to raise the Handel bars 2 " and pivot them back towards the windshield it looks like there are a bunch of cables and hoses that will have to be replaced with longer one . Does the brake hose have to be replaced with a longer one? Parking Brake cable, throttle cable? and choke cable? (the wiring to everything else looks like it can be manipulated for some extra length. (this is on an '04 Warrior )
Beginning to wonder if the '06 Nytro seat or an after market light weight seat is a better way to go (any good prices out here?)
