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5000 RPM


Nov 13, 2024
2009 RS VIking
First ride after purchase of used 2009 VK Pro. Runs well, wont go over 5000 rpm (32mph) and doesn't seem to have a difference between low and high gear. Seems to shift fine, but same symptom in both low and high. Engine revs fine without belt on. Transmission issue? Secondary issue?

I'd suggest looking at both clutches first.
The primary was rebuilt with a kit, its still super loud. Its got around 15K on it. I was pissing around yesterday, shifting from high to low has no noticeable effect, performs identically. Would you think since the secondary is common to both ranges it could be the issue? Still don't understand why it doesn't rev much past 5 grand either. Seems this is beyond me and needs to go to a mechanic....
The primary was rebuilt with a kit, its still super loud. Its got around 15K on it. I was pissing around yesterday, shifting from high to low has no noticeable effect, performs identically. Would you think since the secondary is common to both ranges it could be the issue? Still don't understand why it doesn't rev much past 5 grand either. Seems this is beyond me and needs to go to a mechanic....

its for sure not shifting out on the clutches, like being stuck in 2nd gear?
would that be the secondary or primary or both? Easy fix? What would usually cause such? Thanks!
Ok thanks, I am going to try and find someone to check it over/Repair. Thanks again I appreciate the responses.
Both clutches were checked over, primary was rebuilt and secondary checked. Still can't get WOT out of it. Runs great, just taps out at 5 grand or so... even when it's tapped out it's running fine. Fuel pump? ECU? I checked air intake and it seems fine and I the exhaust doesn't seem plugged at all.. ideas?
Both clutches were checked over, primary was rebuilt and secondary checked. Still can't get WOT out of it. Runs great, just taps out at 5 grand or so... even when it's tapped out it's running fine. Fuel pump? ECU? I checked air intake and it seems fine and I the exhaust doesn't seem plugged at all.. ideas?
To me it still sounds like clutching.
