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ABS Backpacks


TY 4 Stroke Guru
Feb 28, 2004
South Colorado
One of my riding buddies, who is also a good friend died in an avalanche today. Everything seems to hit home when it happens close to you so i now want 2 of these ABS backpacks. price is not an issue, i just want to know what i need. whats best for me and my brother. both of us are about 160lbs.

Whoever uses one of these, what model do you have? And i am looking at the Escape models. do i need the 15, 30 or 50? i need all information. Hope to order this week.

Also, would like input on the best avalanche beacons

Sorry to hear about your buddy.Not shure if you seen it or not there is a sticky above about them.
A buddy of mine rides with one and we are going to get them as well. If I'm not mistaken the 15, 30 etc refers to the volume of the pack for things like your lunch etc. I think all the packs have the same size bladders/bags but don't quote me on that.

Sorry to hear about your buddy. But, your 1st thing is to take an any coarse. I have taken a 2 day, and now a 4 day. Then get the backpack, I have the 30. I think the 15 is too small, and the 50 is ugly, or too big. I guess it depends on how much crap you carry in there. It doesn't really matter what beacon you have, just learn how to use it.
RED said:
Sorry to hear about your buddy. But, your 1st thing is to take an any coarse. I have taken a 2 day, and now a 4 day. Then get the backpack, I have the 30. I think the 15 is too small, and the 50 is ugly, or too big. I guess it depends on how much crap you carry in there. It doesn't really matter what beacon you have, just learn how to use it.

Well said
Man, sorry for your loss! Where was the avy? I wear the 15 and find it has enough storage for me. Just like Red said, and avy course is a great idea. Before I attempt a hill I always look for an escape route just in case. If there isn't one, then you should'nt be riding there unless the conditions are super stable.
