Guys are running the single spring PB80 up at 300 HP on the 1200 even, which will clean the clock of any 300+HP 998 turbo. The 1200 does more with less HP by about 30-40 HP at that level, the 1200 turbo also has way more TQ than any 998 does.... I say base clutch meaning their stock spring cup and a single spring.

Years back, Precision Sports built billet spring cups for them on the 1200's, which I believe is needed to make it live a long life on these three cylinder four-strokes. I've broken the stock and updated spring cups before, seen many break, as far as I know, they have been updated a couple of times and still break. I'm not sure who "they" are, or where your seeing conflicting messages, as not many here even know about the PB80 or the history on it, I go way back with them and ran them for years on the 1200, NA and turbo. Some guys claim the pucks distorted on their 240 HP 1200 Doos, but I've never seen that myself. I had a 240 HP turbo 1200 with a PB80 OD that could outrun my buds 270 HP Winder and never had one problem using the PB80, and I carried big weight in those pucks! Way more weight than a 998 would ever carry in it even at 300 HP, and the 1200's were just as hard if not harder on primaries than 998's are. Many put Yamaha primaries on their 1200's too, Full Power Performance was the one who started doing that.

As for the dual spring on the PB80, it created more heat on the 300 HP 1200 Doos than the single spring and put down less track HP. I have a dual spring here and not a fan if you have a engine that can get by with lower engagement RPM like down in the low 3000 range. Single spring works best IMO. Their dual spring is kinda stupid and ridiculously expensive, harder on spring cups too, but do what ever suits your fancy. I'd never run it myself. I had a PB80 here I tried for a couple of miles, but went back to the RX-1 primary, then the TAPP.
Great, thanks so much for your insight on this! I think I may try this clutch next, will just order the base clutch in that case. When you order from CV-Tech they seem to ask for HP, so Imagine they are at least putting a bit of weight in it and maybe a different (single) spring.
Sold one of the regular setup PB80 to someone a few years ago for 2017 T Cat with max spool 16. He didn't even change the calibration, and is happy with it. Runs strong 9000rpm. 6000kms so far.
Did the same two years ago on another 17 T Cat stock HP.

After reading Knapps comments think I'm just going to order the regular setup PB80 and add a bit of weight along with the XS825
If this were a clutch in a car coming apart and injuring some random driver the outcry would be incredible.

Polaris also has a clutch recall.

Who makes Polaris clutches?
If this were a clutch in a car coming apart and injuring some random driver the outcry would be incredible.

Polaris also has a clutch recall.

Who makes Polaris clutches?
The metal used by Team was/is the wrong composition IMO. Probably cheaper to use #*$&@ material then using better material that can be heat cycled without issue for its life.. Just guessing :dunno:
If this were a clutch in a car coming apart and injuring some random driver the outcry would be incredible.

Polaris also has a clutch recall.

Who makes Polaris clutches?
At least Polaris is replacing the clutches...
I was out with a 2023 Polaris a few weeks ago, and the Primary snapped right in half.
I doubled him home so he could get his dads sled, lol.
The metal used by Team was/is the wrong composition IMO. Probably cheaper to use #*$&@ material then using better material that can be heat cycled without issue for its life.. Just guessing :dunno:
What seen on my two crap pile teams was not enough material around the sliding half where the roller bearing rides, any kind of heat from belt slip just off engaugement and cracking would result.
What seen on my two crap pile teams was not enough material around the sliding half where the roller bearing rides, any kind of heat from belt slip just off engaugement and cracking would result.
Yes.. I think Turboflash posted about this area. He was doing a mod down around that bearing area
Back in stock guys.

Product Arrival Notification​

Great News! We would like to notify you that we just received a shipment of the following product:
Arctic Cat ADAPT Drive Clutch - 8-inch 30mm
Part # 0746-934
First-come, First-served – Please understand that we are not reserving this product for you and it is available on a first-come, first-served basis to all of our customers. We suggest you place your order as soon as possible.
Arrival Notification – We have cleared your Product Arrival Notification for this product. If you don’t get a chance to place your order before this item goes out of stock you will need to sign up again to receive notification when we receive the next shipment.
Thank you, Country Cat!
Made this pass today with my stock zr9000 and recently installed PB 80 pre setup from the company. Seems to work alright RPM's go right where they should pretty pleased so far. The only problem I'm having is the alignment I'm down to the .023 shim in the secondary still need to go less. One thing for certain, a change leads to three others LOL. You will have to excuse the spinning on my dragy graph went down the lake with my worn trail studs 2 per lazy to throw in some traction


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The metal used by Team was/is the wrong composition IMO. Probably cheaper to use #*$&@ material then using better material that can be heat cycled without issue for its life.. Just guessing :dunno:
Agree. Castings for Team made in India/China by low bidder. Cheap, low-quality, low-end alloy. If made from proper high-spec alloy, they'd last and last.
So I guess there is no concensus on what's better for higher HP trail riding? ADAPT, TAPP or PB80?

Someone gained 4mph switching stock clutch to an ADAPT.
Someone else gained 4 mph moving from ADAPT to a PB80. lol SO that's 8 mph better?! Or were those replies sarcastic?
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I think its more likely that in changing the clutch they actually put some effort into the new one. I don't think I have ever heard of PB80 performance gains, only durability and simplicity (and they are quieter).
Finally got in touch with someone..
Another spring at $75, and three different weights/shoes at $19 each.
Warranty void.
