Aftermarket front Bumper

Aug 30, 2013
Reaction score
Eastern Ontario
2011 Nytro XTX
Since the Nytro hasn't been made now for a while, does anyone still make an aftermarket front bumper for this sled? I'd love to get my hands on a Timbersled "Boonie Bumper" but I think my chances of having one have come and gone. Just wanting to have more protection up front, and the sled isn't going anywhere, kids will inherit it probably someday lol.
timbersled boonie bumper front.jpg
timbersled boonie bumper side.jpg
Racewerx makes a bumper for it that actually does what it’s suppose to do.
I was looking at their website, shows a nytro with a mint front bumper on it, but it doesn't list that sled anymore for availability. It's all for the newer models.
I ordered the Gytr front bumper from Partzilla after pushing in my nose plastic while tree riding. Supposedly it's gonna be available the 2nd of March!
what part number did you find, I can only find the original stock bumper. Is it the heavy bumper Yamaha once had in the accessory book they offered back in the day?
The Yamaha one is part number SMA-8GLFT-MT-11. Partzilla says it ships in 2-3 days, but the Yamaha website shows it out of stock.
Perfect, thanks a lot. That was one I was looking at a while back, and yup Yamaha can't get it anymore. Did you actually talk with them to ensure they have them? I've seen before where they show available but reality is they don't. That should be the "machine gun" version with the bumper tubes drilled.
I got this one from partzilla several months ago.
Perfect, thanks a lot. That was one I was looking at a while back, and yup Yamaha can't get it anymore. Did you actually talk with them to ensure they have them? I've seen before where they show available but reality is they don't. That should be the "machine gun" version with the bumper tubes drilled.

hey dose anyone know what kind of a arms are on that sled it looks sharp. thanks
More than likely they are timber sleds AArms. The only aftermarket arms i have found are

I had the 34" kit in my XtX and man did it make a difference! I have a friend that's putting a 38" on his rtx
More than likely they are timber sleds AArms. The only aftermarket arms i have found are

I had the 34" kit in my XtX and man did it make a difference! I have a friend that's putting a 38" on his rtx
And do you know if timbersled still makes those a arms?

How do those 34" a arms handle on the trail i have an xtx and I do alot of off trail riding but when I do go on the trail I don't want to flip my sled lol
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I don't think timbersled makes anything for the nytro anymore... aftermarket stuff is pretty hard to come by for these sleds anymore. Maybe you could come across something on Ebay.

I felt like the 34" was good on trail. It seemed tk handle just fine on the trails. I mostly ditch banged that sled when I had it. I sold it to my buddy who is a bigger guy and he hasn't complained about the narrow stance. He's a pretty inexperienced rider and he can kinda keep up with me in the ditches.

I would suggest going with the 38" if you're worried about it being tippy. The design of the a arms improves the steering and handling 100 times over stock.

I don't know what year nytro you have but if it is an 08 or 09 you will need to change the spindles to a 08 or 09 spindle. The gap is to tight on the top of the spindle for the spacer that goes in the gap. If you have a 10 and newer xtx or mtx you should be fine. Mine was an 11 xtx and I didn't have to change spindles.
I don't think timbersled makes anything for the nytro anymore... aftermarket stuff is pretty hard to come by for these sleds anymore. Maybe you could come across something on Ebay.

I felt like the 34" was good on trail. It seemed tk handle just fine on the trails. I mostly ditch banged that sled when I had it. I sold it to my buddy who is a bigger guy and he hasn't complained about the narrow stance. He's a pretty inexperienced rider and he can kinda keep up with me in the ditches.

I would suggest going with the 38" if you're worried about it being tippy. The design of the a arms improves the steering and handling 100 times over stock.

I don't know what year nytro you have but if it is an 08 or 09 you will need to change the spindles to a 08 or 09 spindle. The gap is to tight on the top of the spindle for the spacer that goes in the gap. If you have a 10 and newer xtx or mtx you should be fine. Mine was an 11 xtx and I didn't have to change spindles.
Thanks for the information my nytro is a 2009 but it was made at almost the end of the year so it might be fine but shouldn't be a big deal if I do need newer spindles
Thanks for the information my nytro is a 2009 but it was made at almost the end of the year so it might be fine but shouldn't be a big deal if I do need newer spindles
You'll need the 08 or 09 MTX spindles. Just realized I didn't specify.

Look on Ebay for used spindles. I've seen them for $150 to $200 each. wants about 250 to 260 a spindle
