Another MP ski option instead of Tuners


I'm not all knowing. Post your question in forum.
Nov 3, 2009
Reaction score
Greely, Ontario
'07 Venture MP (gone)
'07 Phazer FX (gone)
'09 Phazer GT (gone)
'10 RS Venture GT (My current ride)
'10 Nytro FX (son's)
Greely, ON Canada
I've been planning to respond to this one for a while since the title is a bit of an eye catcher for anyone changing out their Tuners. So I have 2200 kms on stock Tuners and 3000 on Slydog Powderhounds.

I prefer the P'hounds by a wide margin in all circumstances. As expected off trail in the powder they are better by a mile. The MP was unrideable in deep powder on Tuners. It would never get on top and every 20 feet it rolled from side to side with me jumping over the seat and hanging off alternate sides. Now I have lots of time to lean, it will stay on top and I have never once been stuck because of the tipping. I went with three mountain sleds into an alpine meadow and was only stuck four times and could get myself out easily each time. I purposely went into almost waist deep powder just to see if I could manage. They turn well also, at high or low speeds.

I also feel the P'hounds give me a margin of safety on the lake in the slush. There is no question the front end stays up out of the muck which is a great reduction in drag. I did have to be rescued by buddy's 900ACE SWT once last year but I haven't had to give him the satisfaction this year.

By this time of the year the frequently used lake trails are packed, icy, and rutted. The P'hounds dart way less than the Tuners. One thing that used to happen to me was really annoying. If I set a Tuner track in soft packed snow the next day it might be frozen hard and if I got into it I couldn't get out without cranking the steering way harder than I liked. The P'hounds do not lock into their own tracks on trails that I am the main user of.

I have a single 3 inch carbide on the P'hounds and that is perfect for my riding. I admit being skeptical of the explanations of the design of the undersides of the P'hounds but I am a believer now.
I figured the Hounds would satisfy your needs. Which ones did you get? The 7" or 8"?

One thing that surprised me with was your statement about darting on ice with the Tuners. They are supposed to be Yamaha's solution to darting and for the most part, comments have been positive about them for that only. My own experience with the TrailHounds, which are basically the same but narrower, they darted baddly with 6" carbides but I needed that long to steer with this long track. That could be the problem because you seem to be OK with just a 3".
Mine are 8 wide.

We got 4 inches last night, light wind also. The lake looked like no one had been on it all winter .... pristine.
I couldn't find or follow any of my packed routes. I should get two or three weeks more riding.
I like the PH's as well; the only issue I see with them is that they are unpredictable in crusty snow.
