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Any TEAM secondarys with HeavyHitters out there?????

Hi jackson,yes i am running team/hh setup. And i have 54/34 54/36 helix w/a black/green spring stock primary or g/w/g w/62.8 grams loaded in hh long screw in heel and both back and front holes have 7/16 bolts,back has large washer,front has none for now,i did have lg.washer w/thin one and only carry rpms at full shift to 10,100 and sometimes pull down to 9900 so i removed all under bolt for now,but have not be able to evaluate the results yet. Hope this helps. beast
So, what are your impressions on the TEAM secondary? I like the idea of one but I have been holding back on getting one because nobody with a RX-1 had really done much testing. So??? What do you think? How does the backshift compare to stock? Are you able to throw more weight at the primary? Does the belt climb higher in the primary? Is top end improved or decreased? How did you arrive at your helix selection? PB
POWDER BLUE my friend......... I've been posting about my TEAM since I bough it last Jaunary 03. I love it!! The top speed hasn't changed, but the trial ability and back shift is to die for. I got mine directly from TEAM with 58-38.46 58-40 .46 red/black spring. They set it up. In and out of the flipper is really where it shins. It just plans reacts!
TEAM now, from what they tell me, won't sell direct any longer.
You'll need to go to one of the pro shops and have them set it up based on your conditions and riding style.
Best $350 I've spent on the sled to date.!!!! No kidding. :lol:

Thanks, I guess I have seen your posts on the Team secondary. There was just never much repsonse so I figured not many people were using them. I want one! It will hev to be for the 04-05 season though. Thanks for the answers. Your Friend. PB
Yea guys,i think otis and myself are at least two happy customers,i think there was another guy in upstate maine using one w/good results,my helix is 54/43 54/36 the .460 thousands is the transition between the angles i am running mine on 54/34 now w/hh lightened up a bit for more rpms for taller gears and more top end. :D
Sounds cool 8) How much top end have you gained Beast?
From last year xpolaris guy i would have to say at least 5-8 mph acrossed the board,cause out on the snow it is totally awsome,goes the same in snow as last year in hard pack. Now this is w/all my mods togeather,rear skid clutching air box mod overdrive sheeve. 8)
Did you try just the TEAM, everything else stock? Mods sound $$pricey$$ maybe next year :wink:
Yes i did,last year w/yammi skid and air box on ,and yes it was better all the way thru,but top end same,but better getting there and better on belts,and belt adjustments are a snap,to boot.
