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Anybody know WoolyViper????


Jan 24, 2011
Upstate New York
Hey guys, I know some of you have actually met each other from here. Wondering if anyone knows and can call wOOLY. Been in talks to buy an engine from him and he dropped of the face of the earth , or atleast the forum. Makes it difficult to send someone a rather large sum of money, when A: they are a stranger on the internet. and B: they dissapeared.

Anyhow, if any of ya know him or have contact (by phone) with him, could you please give him a shout. I hope he is OK.


I know he usually takes an extended weekend trip to WI around this time of year. I just hope he didn't crash and burn again. How long has been? I know he has the motor, I'll see If I can find his number when I get home.

Have dealt with him for some Phazer parts, he was a good person and haven't had any problems with him. So I guess that you can trust him.
Thanks for the info BLue. I hope all is well, he was gonna give me a shout on Sunday, 2 weeks ago. Sent a few PM's since and he never read em. We got about 2 weeks of snow here if we are lucky. I either get his motor, or start parting out a Phazer that looks as good as it did new and lose a few thousand dollar on what was suppose to be a Christmas present.
can't find his number, It might be on my old Cell Phone, but I have to figure out where that went. It looks like he hasn't been on the site since Jan 30th, I know he was going to go on the TY ride this coming weekend in Minnesota so IF he it there I'll see him.
Cool deal man. I hope so, once he said he would hook me up with this motor, we depended on it, even canceled a Tug Hill trip to move it back a week in preparation for having this Phazer to ride. The whole situation makes me want to puke really. I love Yami's and wanted a 4 stroke, but atleast a 2 smoke can run upside down.
No need for alarm, he got beck to me tonight. Cant tell ya how happy I was to receive a PM from him!!

And wooly when ya read this thread, read it from the prospective of a guy who bought a sled for his wife and kids, spending a good deal of cash from his savings, only to see it rot in a basement. I cant thank you enough for helping me out on this deal.

